Seven Devils

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Its Been About Two Days since Ive Arrived At Jackson , And Rj and I have been inseperable I mean Every minute of the Day im with him and if not were Probably texting each other , i guess you could say we were a little obssesive with each other cause Tiara And Kendrick had no problem saying it lol , true to form i have been Neglecting them , since more students have arrived today there was a mixer in the student union Today and Tiara was Going to Meet Kendrick and I there , We meet up with Tiara outside the Union .

Tiara: And Why do we have to Do this again

Ant: because Ken's New here and he needs to Know everything that the school offers .

Kendrick: This Bet not Be Boring

Tiara: And you sure it has nothing to Do with Rj being a member of the Welcome Committee

Ant: Ha No

Kendrick: I should have kown it was some reason you wanted to come to this bullshit

Ant: Will yall shut up and Brang yall asses

As we walk in the room is Packed with Teeny Boppers yea i said it Teeny boppers , just to think that last year that was me excited and Bushy eyed about College , If they Only Knew the true test In College arent the Class tet. We walk in and Find the Refreshment table and Raids it lol , We Find a spot in the back and Listen as each Member Give there little Run down of What college is and the do's and dont's . I look up and entering the room are Jermaine and Diana , they Looked Pretty Much together to me , they looked Happy he had his arm around her and he was smiling from ear to ear . I nervously looked over at Tiara and Kendrick , and they Both saw what i saw , I looked at Tiara with Sympathy , And Said a slight Prayer that Kendrick Didnt say something that he shouldnt. Instead we both looked at her with Pitty , which i think pissed her off ,

Tiara: What ?

Ant: You ok

Tiara: Of course why Wouldnt I Be ?

Kendrick: Well your so Called Man just walked in with his main Chick all happy and What Not

Tiara: Ha , Oh That , I aint Tripping I know what it is

Ant: Soooo your Ok with This

Tiara: Of course , I know that he just has to put on an act untill he can break it off with her

Kendrick: And Tell me this , does kissing involve your arangement

She Looks up Into the crowd and watches the Guy she was with secretly , Kiss his Current Girlfriend yea i know that sounds Crazy ass fuck right ? Her Eyes started to tear up as she watched Jermaine Kiss and be affectionate with the Girl he claimed he was breaking up with .

Ant: YOu Wanna Get out of here

Tiara: No Im Fine

Kendrick: No Lets just go , Its Boring ass fuck in here anyway , lets just go to our room and Chill .

Tiara: Ok

Tiara's Pov

After that Humiliating Show Jermaine Put me threw , We Decided to Just Leave and Head back to the Dorm , I really Didnt feel Like talking but i know my friends and they werent going to let well enough be , so i mentally prepared myself for thier wrath.

Ant: YOu sure your Ok

Tiara: Im Fine Really

Kendrick: No your Not your on the verge of crying

Ant: You wanna talk about

Tiara: No

Ant: too Bad

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