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Things that be useful during the story:

Error speech/thought

Ink speech/thought

Other characters speech/thought



Error P.V.

Uhg! How much I hate my life!!! And specially how much I hate that little brat! Ink!!! Why the hell she gotta ruin all my plans!?! (yes ink is a girl on this story, remember everyone are humans).

I was sitting on a swing, on a park that was near my house, for once I enjoy the view on this horrible place, it was so quiet, so peaceful. And for some reason, I started thinking of Ink, her eyes, one blue and the other yellow, her log hair, white with different colors, her smile, and all of her tattoos. I always wanted to know what did they mean, but I knew she wouldn't tell me, God, she was so beautiful...wait, WAIT, NO!!!! I CAN'T HAVE A CRUSH ON THAT BRAT!!! SHE IS MY MORTAL ENEMY!!!

After a few minutes finally I could get her off my mind.

-Hey ya!!! Can I join ya?- A familiar voice said behind me, and I know how that person was, I just ignore her.

-I'll that as a yes.- She said as she sit down on the other swing, with a smile.

-You know I been thinking-

-Yeaaah. I don't wanna know- I said while cutting her off, but actually she didn't care.

-Why things have to be like this?- That caught me out of guard.

-What do you mean?- I ask her, and immediately regret it, the last I want to do is have a friendly chat with Ink.

-Why the hell we have to hate each other? Non of us do something wrong but existing! I simply don't get it! Why?, he he, maybe I'm making myself a fool, is really obvious you won't care what I say. I'm actually surprise you haven't leave, and I'm glad. Ya know, maybe... it look like I have a ton of friends, with all the Au's I've created, but I really feel lonely.- She said, I could all most feel bad for her, but I completely understand her. After all I'm like her.


-Hhahaha!- I heard a laugh behind me, I turn to look who was there, and for my bad luck there was an Underfell guys. Ink get up and get closer to him. IS SHE AN IDIOT?!?!

-Greeting! My name is--

-Ha! Save it for later sweet heart.- He said with a smirk.


Ink P.V.

-Ha! Save it for later sweet heart.- He said with a smirk. Okey now this feel uncomfortable.

-You look really cute!- He said as he drab my face and start cuddling me. I try to pull back but I couldn't. Then I feel somebody grabbing me to their chest, I look up to see Error.


-Sorry sire, but we have to go- He said as he let me go- Come on Ink.- Error said as he walk off, but I didn't, not going till I can say good bye to this guy.

Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now