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Ink P.V.

Positive....... A tear run through my cheek. I put the pregnancy test on my purse and start walking home.

Oh my god. What am I going to say to Error? God I'm so scare, what if he doesn't want to take care of the child? What if he leave me? What if I'm not a good mother? What am I going to do? Error and I are not even marry! I'm so screw.

Error P.V.
I was sitting on the couch flipping the channels of the TV, looking for something good. The door open and Ink appear, she got her eyes red, was she crying?

-Ink? Are you alright?- I ask.
-Y-yes. I'm a bit tired, I'm going to sleep, night.- Ink said as she head to the room as I could hear when she close it. Something was off, she wasn't telling the truth. I turn off the TV and go to see Ink. Before I could open the door I heard sobbing and crying, I open the door and saw Ink, hugging her legs against her chest, crying on a corner.

-Ink?! Babe what's wrong?- I ask a bit worry. But she didn't answer.
-Ink please, answer me.- I beg, as well she didn't answer but just hand me a pregnancy test........wait WHAT?! I look at it, and saw two read lines on it, I was so shock.....
-I-I'm sorry *sob* I'm so sorry.-She cry. I was so shock, with out hesitation I hug Ink tight, tears of happiness were scrolling down my face.
-There's no need to be sorry. Inky, I'm so happy. - I said with a huge smile on my face.
-Wait. Your not mad?-Ink ask in confusion.
-Why would I? Your telling me that I'm going to be a father, a father of your child. I can't be more happy.-I said and her crying stop.
-Oh god. I was so scared that you reject me.-She said with a relief sigh.
-I would never. My Inky.- I said as I gently put a hand on her stomach and kiss her, soon she melt into the kiss. This was just perfect, suddenly all of my fears that she'll reject me when I propose disappear. I got to ask her, but not yet to, still want it to be special. As we separate I wimp off her tears.
-Thank you Error, for everything.- Ink said with a smile on her face, as she put her hand on top of mine, which it was still on her stomach.
-I love you, my little artist.

-3 moths later-

Error P.V. (Still)
Ink has pass her first trimester of her pregnancy, and the baby bump has grow just a little. We were planning to tell everybody tonight at a small party that Blue is having at her house. We were really nervous, we have say no word about it to anyone. We do wanna keep it a secret but it's better if we say everything now. And I do propose to Ink, she said yes.

-At the party-

We were at the party and there were all of our friends: Blue, Dream, Fell, Gaster, Fresh, Reaper, Geno, Nightmare, Cross, Sci, Classic, and Lust. Everyone was chatting and fooling around, I do have a good time. I look at Ink and she nod. It was time to tell about it.

-Okey, hey everyone. We got a special announcement to tell you all.-Ink said as she hold my hand, and everyone turn at use.
-So, me and Ink been dating for a year now so, we wanna tell you all that....- I said with a pause of cliffhanger. (😈😈😈😈)
-I'm pregnant!- Ink said in enthusiasm, everybody gasp in surprised but everyone congratulate use, well Blue and Dream fangirl, which leave all deaf. Everyone came to hug us and feel the baby, it was kind of cute.
-Shit! Now I can have fun with Ink- Lust say disappointed.
-What the fuck dude?-Nightmare said and then she hit him on the arm (nightmare is a girl too because yes!).
-Back off bitch.- I said to Lust, which go to the kitchen, maybe to flirt with someone.
-Hey congratulations bro.- Geno said as he gave me a little pat on the back.
-Thanks Geno. Some advice?-I ask, since my big bro is more experienced on being a father than I do.
-Yes. Say bye to sleep, now it only going to be a memory on your mind.-Geno said as we both laugh, I look at Ink, she was talking with Reaper, Blue and Dream.

Ink P.V.
I was talking with Reaper, Blue and Dream. I should ask Reaper some advice, since she is a mother, maybe she could help me with the pregnancy.
-How much have you been pregnant and why didn't you tell us?!- Dream ask and I giggle.
-3 moths and I want it to be a secrete, but me and Error decide that it'll be better if we said it now- I said as Blue put her hand on my stomach.
-God! Have you guys have think of a name yet?- Blue ask taking a sip of her soda and taking of her hand.
- Well, not much, we still don't know the baby's gender yet. But we are super excited about it!- I said on enthusiasm.
- When is your first ultrasound sweetheart?- Reaper ask
-The next week. Hey Reaper have any advice for the pregnancy?- I ask
-Yes, try to eat more healthy and sleep all that you need, don't stress out to much, and specially with the job, those students of yours are driving you crazy, I'm sure. And don't worry about the nauseas, dizziness and mood changes, it totally normal.-She said, I give her a warm smile.
-Thank you so much Reaper.

We keep chatting about random things, but after a while I start to get tire, and I ask to Error if we could go home. When we get to our apartment I go straight to bed, as Error did too, he gently rub my baby bump and kiss me passionately. In just a few minutes I fall asleep.


I know you guys were waiting for this to happen
And next chapter I'm gonna put like a flashback when Error propose to Ink
I hope you enjoy this chapter
And please don't forget to vote and comment what you guys think about this story and chapter
Also I want to thank you all for the 683 views!!
This morning we were at 506
You guys read to fast 😂😂
Love you all and see you next time ❤️❤️❤️

Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now