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5 months later
They are already marry
Also maybe this chapter is gonna be crap cause writer block

Ink P.V.
I was at the school, now that the baby bump is more noticeable, now all I in the school know that I'm pregnant, and it's good, some teachers give me some advice and now the students stop stalking me. Mostly everybody that I know know that I'm pregnant, well expect my brother and my parents.
*Buzz buzz*
I got a text from....... Paint

Hey ink! Are you busy today?
No, not much, just have to checks some works, why?
Mmmmmm well...
What did you do?
Mom and dad are coming to visit us, but I told them
that you don't live with me anymore, cause your
marry now, and they are going to your house.....
WHAT?! When?!
Oh my god Paint! Fine. But you are owing me a BIG
Deal! See you at your house
Shit, what I'm going to do? My parents and Paint know that I'm pregnant, me and Error are gonna be in so much trouble!

-Le time to skip by Napstablook dancing Harlem Shake-

I was at my house with Error, watching TV, I have to tell him about my parents.

-Mmm Error?- I ask
-Yes Inky?- He said, I took a deep breath
-My parents and my brother are coming.- I said really fast
-What? Today?-I nod- Well, what's the problem?-
-Well....they don't know that I'm pregnant.- I said
-*Error.exe.rebooting*.- (😂😂😂😂😂 sorry I have to)
-E-error? B-babe are you alright?- I ask a bit worry. After few minutes he stop rebooting.
-What?! Why didn't you told them?!- Error ask
-Why would I? Since the car incident I'm not talking that much with Paint. And my parents left when I was 16! They have nothing to do with my life now.-I respond.
*Knock knock*
Someone knock on the door, it must be them. I turn off the TV and go to open the door.
-Ink!- My mother said, I just let show my head.
-Hi! Come in. I have a surprise for you guys!- I said (her parents know that she's marry but they don't know about jammy) as they walk in.
-Hello!-Error said waving his hand
-Oh, this must be your husband Ink. So what's the surprise?- My dad ask, I always get more along with my father than with my mother, I don't know why. I turn around so they can see my baby bump, and my gasp in surprised.
-Why didn't you told me when we talk this morning?!- Paint ask.
-You didn't ask.- I said on a sassy way.
-Oh god!( her father is a fanboy) I knew it!- My dad scream
-We haven't seen her in years, how did you knew it?!- My mom ask
-Never underestimate a fanboy! NEVER!-He said as he come to hug me.
-So he is the father?- My mom ask pointing at Error and I nod.
-Well then, w-welcome to the family.-She said but I could notice some disappointment on her voice.
-Thanks, I guess- Error said an we all sit down at the couch.
-So how many months and what's the baby gender? Paint ask
-8 months and it's a boy!- I said, I do was really happy, I can't remember the last time I sit to talk with my family.
-Any names yet?- My mother ask and Error nod.
-We were thinking about Paperjam.- Error said. We keep talking for a while until it was getting late so they have to go. Me and Error go to sleep.


I know this chapter was crap but writer block attack again 😒😒
But no worry, I'm planning something really BIG for next chapter
That you guys are gonna hate me!!!
michvane knows what I'm talking about!!
And I have bad news. The story is gonna end soon!
I'm still gonna correct all of my mistakes on this story and still doing the Fallacy X Encre one
And I'm planning to do another book
But anyways thanks for reading this chapter and hope to see you guys soon

Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now