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Okey, so you the most of you guys decide that I should do a lemon, and just saying that, Ink is pregnant, so this is gonna be a side-story, so this chapter will have nothing to do with the story that I'm making.
Hope you guys enjoy.

Ink P.V.
I was at Outertale, cheekiness that everything was alright, something was off. Error lately wasn't been destroying any Au, which in a way it was bad, he was planning something I know it.

Since everything was alright in decide to go to my house. Once I get there I start to feel that I've been watch, Mhe maybe it was nothing. I sat down on the couch, I look for my sketchbook, I'm sure I leave it on the table when I leave this morning. Suddenly I got pin to the couch, when I look up I got to see perfectly who this person was it, Error.

-E-error? What the hell?!- I yelled trying to scape but he was just to strong.
-I-I n-need help...-He said while panting and I keep struggling.
-Uh? What?!- I ask.
-I-I'm in heat...tha-thanks to you....-Why the hell is my fault?!
-Wha? I haven't seen you in days, how is this my fault?!-I ask, then I realized, he took my sketchbook and saw my drawings, shit! Good why I drew such dirty thing?
-I saw your drawings Ink...I didn't knew that you want me so badly~- He said teasing me and I blush madly.
-L-listen I can expla-- I got cut off by Error's lips against mine.

Error lick my bottom lip asking for entrance, I hesitate but accept, Error's tongue interview with mine, he explore every single inch of my mouth, I moan into the kiss. We separate leaving a thick string of saliva connecting our tongues, Error start breathing on my neck and then licking it, I try to hold back my moans, but it was almost impossible, my neck was really sensitive, "Ngh~" I moan, as Error was getting closer to my sweet spot. "Oh come on Inky, I know you can do better than that~" He said with a sexy tone, Error licking my sweet spot and I knew that I couldn't hold back the moans for ever "AHHH!~- I moan a loudly, Error start licking, kissing and biting my sweet spot, technically abusing it. "Let's take this to the room~" he said as he teleport us to my room upstairs and again starting to abuse of my sweet spot as I moan really loud. He put his hand inside of my shirt making me blush more, he puts his hands on my back unclipping my bra, then I pull my arms above my head so he could easily take off my shirt, as he do my bra came of without effort. I try to cover but Error hold my arms above my head "Why do yo hide yourself~? You look stunning, don't hide your beauty~" he said as he kiss me again while he let me take of his jacket and shirt. Error start to massage my breast making me moan loudly, then Error start licking and kissing on of them will he play with the others "AHHHHHHH~!". He start to pull down my shorts leaving me just in my panties "Wet already" he said teasing me as he take them off and inserting a finger on me making me moan, and the more louder more fingers he insert, but he was just teasing me, "E-error, please~! I want the real thing ahhhh~!" I said between moans as he smirk and take off the fingers licking the cum on them "You taste really good inky~" Error take off his pants and boxers position himself at my entrance "You want it?" He ask and I nod "Beg for it~!" He said with a smirk "Error please~! I want it so badly~ J-Just fuck me~!" I said and he slam without warning into me making me moan in pleasure and pain, he start thrusting slowly so I wouldn't get hurt. After a few second the pain go away and it was replaced with pleasure, unconscious I buck my hips and he start going more faster and harder as I wrap my legs around his waist, "E-error faster~" I moan, almost whispering "What~? I didn't hear you" He said teasing me, if I want it fast I will have to beg for it "Error please, faster~!" I said panting "Louder~" "F-Faster~!" "Louder I said~"- he yelled I look straight at his eyes, they were full of lust "ERROR~!" I yelled "Yes~?" He respond on a innocent way "P-PLEASE~! Error please~ FUCK ME FASTER~! Just fuck me as fast and hard as you can~!!" I yelled and Error smirk, without warning he pull out and slam in again but even more master and harder. Each thrust was even more faster and harder, a wave of pleasure hit me "AHHHHH~!  Oh yes baby~!" By this point Error was going at a inhuman speed and as hard as he could, my moans get more louder as he hit my G-spot "AHHHHHHHH~~!!! I'm gonna--" I got cut by more moans "Please do~ Cum for me Inky~" Error said an I came, a few seconds later he did too. A few thrust later, he found the strength to pull out of me and roll by my side hugging me tight, while we both breathe heavy "You were great Inky, we should do it more often" "heh yeah, her, Error?" "Yeah Inky~?" " I love you" "I love you too Inky" he said as he kiss me and hug me tight and we pass out....


Hello! I hope you guys enjoy
This chapter cause I did. I will still consider ten option A
It's gonna be so funny!!
"I don't know why you keep writing lemons about me and Error"
Cause it's fun!!
"For you! You know what I'm out!"
Ink~? Wanna hear what I read the other time~?😏😏😏
"Nope! Nopenopenopenopenopenope! Fuck this shit I'm out!"
I love you all and see you next time

Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now