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Narrator P.V.
Error wake up on the middle of the night, around 3am, for feel of thirst, he try to get up but he couldn't. He look around realizing that he wasn't on his room, Error didn't recognize that place, he try I get up again, but again he fail, Error realize that have chains on his wrist and ankles. All the room was completely dark but then someone enter to the room with a candle giving the room a little of light.
-Hello Error~- The person said, immediately Error recognize the voice.
-Chara?! What the fuck?!- Error yelled.
-Oh Error~. Do you know how much time I been waiting for this~?- Chara ask
-No, and I don't c-- Error said but he was interrupt
-Well a lot! You know,  I've always want to see you die, but I think it'll be more fun if I see you suffer before killing you~.- She said as she turn on a giant TV, but it was odd, the TV show images, of Error's house.
-In here you'll be able to see what's happening on every room of your house, and it's live!- Chara said with a big and sinister smile on her face, Error look at the square were the recording of his room was, in there he saw Ink, sleeping, then he discover what Chara was gonna do.
-I swear Chara if you lay down a hand on Ink I'm so killing you!- Error yelled really furious.
-Well its not like you could stop me~-She said.
-Gahh!- Error try to punch Chara but the chains pull him back.
-HehehHAHAHAHAHA!- Chara laugh on a psychopath way.
-Bye bye~-Chara said as she disappeare.
-Oh god. Ink, please be okey.....-Error whisper as he watch the scene.

-At the house-

Ink was peacefully sleeping on bed when *CRASH* she heard glass broke. Ink wake up looking around trying to find Error but she couldn't. Ink stand up from bed and went to the kitchen to find a window broken, she turn around to get the phone and call the police, but for Ink's surprise Chara was behind her.
-C-Chara?! What are you doing here?!- Ink ask with fear on her voice.
-Well~ I come here to solve a problem so--Chara disappear and reappear on the front door.-I will give you 10 seconds to run and hide, if your not fast enough, well I think you know your fate~-Chara said as she turn around
-10............9....-Chara start counting really slow. Ink run as fast as she could, consider that she is pregnant it's more hard to run really fast. Ink hide on the closet putting a hand on her mouth so she could make any sound and another on her stomach, fear tears start forming on the corner of her eyes. A few second later Chara stop counting. It wasn't a big house but she was taking her time to found Ink.

About five minutes later Ink could hear some steps outside of her hiding spot, ink tart shaking in fear as more tears come out of her eyes.

-Knock knock. Is someone here~?- Chara said knocking on the door of the closet.
-No? Well then I'll have to search in another place~- Chara said as she go 'out of the room', Ink let out a relief sigh, two seconds later the closet doors open and Chara was there, looking straight at Ink with a sinister smile and a knife on her hands.
-I FOUND YA!-She yelled on a play tone.
-Wait no! Please! Your not just killing me, your killing a innocent child, he haven't done anything! He is not even born!- Ink yelled as she puts both hands on her stomach.
-Sorry sweetheart but, no one is innocent~Saying this Cahra stab Ink on her chest making her yelled in pain, but that wasn't enough, Chara stab again Ink on her stomach. After this, Chara disappear like if she never existed.
-H-help! Please!-Ink yelled
-Hey ya what's up my radical brah!?- Fresh yelled ignoring the fact that she was dying.
-Fresh! P-please h-help me....- Ink said with a small voice as more blood came out of her.
-Mmmmmm nah!! I have better things to do than see my brother's wife die.-Fresh said with a shrug and he teleport away.
-W-wait, F-f-fresh! Don't leave me here....... Help... Error? Error please.....help me.....Error? Error!!-


Now , tomorrow I'll wear a scarf so michvane won't scrag me for this \_('u')_/
I hope you enjoy this chapter aaaaaaaanddd
If you remember the voting from last chapter then you may know that I said that
The vote end next Saturday, BUT
Cause mine so exited to make the new book is gonna end by tomorrow at 2:30 Mexico time
So if you haven't vote please go and do it!!
I love you all, don't forget to vote and comment and see ya!!

Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now