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Error P.V. (4 hours later)
I was on the hospital with Ink, she was still unconscious, I was sting beside the hospital bed were Ink rests. Poor Inky, Fresh barely got injure, he was almost complete out of the way, but the car only could hit his leg. But Ink got a arm fracture. It has pass 4 hours and she haven't woke up, I start to worry. And Goth, I ask my best friend Blue to take care of his until I came back.

I was so mad at my self for not couldn't do nothing about it, but I also was extremely mad at her brother, Paint. He cause this and he still haven't got here, how dare him?!
-Ink?!- The door open and talking of who, Paint enter to the room.
-Oh my God Ink!- He said as he approached to her and carefully touch her cheek, then he give me a deadly look.-You!
-Oh hold on! I'm not the one that you should be blaming! This is your fault!- I complain.
-Why the hell should be my fault?! I just got here!-Paint yelled.
-Don't act as if you don't know! You send Fresh, you send my fucking brother to spy on us because you don't believe in your sister! And because of you she got kick by a freaking car!- I said, I was so mad that I could destroy seven Aus for this.
-I-I..... I do this to protect her! -
-Well your doing a great job! Her fucking arm is broken, she hit her head so hard, and she's been unconscious for 4 hours!
-You don't get it!! You would never understand this, you didn't care about anyone but yourself! Ink is my only family, this for her good! You are a threat to her! I dos the know how she fall in love with you. Ink the creator and protector of all universes, and you the destroyer of them! You are the first people on the list who should want her dead!!-
-That's the biggest lie I've heard on my life! I love Ink with my hole heart (soul?) and will never would do that! But still thinking why SHE love ME.- I whisper the last part.
-Maybe I destroy all of Ink creations! Maybe I do almost kill her a lot of time, but did I did it? No, if I want her dead she will be dead along ago. I'll tell you this, since Ink enter to my life I stop destroying. And now I'm thinks that you want this more than me, so she could get mad at me for not doing nothing and break up with me!-
- Are you crazy!? I'll never would want to Ink get hurt and I'll never will hurt her again!- He yelled and then he quickly cover his mouth with his hand.
-Wha... What do you mean with that?- I ask and the quickly get out of the room.

What do he mean by that....... That question flew through my head for hours, till I feel asleep..........


Ink P.V. (Next morning)
I woke up and see a unfamiliar room then I realized that I was on a hospital. I saw Error sleeping next to me, then he slowly open his eyes as he jump in surprised.
-Ink! Your wake! Oh thank god!- He said as he gently hug me.
-What happened?- I ask as Error stat to explaining. After he finish I just stare at no where.
-Ink, when I was arguing your brother, he said something that worries me a lot. He said that he would never hurt you again.....what does he meant about?- I didn't respond.
-Ink, do Paint abuse of you on the past...?-He ask and I jump in surprised.
-What?! Error no! He would never!- I said.
-Then what was it? Ink, please tell me.-He said and I sigh.
-Remember that night? When does Underfell guys attack me, and you help me to heal up?- I ask as he nod- That scar on my back.....he did it.-I said as my eyes start to fill with tears.
-What?! Ink what happened?!-He said.
-Dust...(Dustale sans). This happened when I was 15 and Paint 18, about 7 years ago, I became a friend with him, or that's what I think, and my brother trust him cause I did. One time I was at my house, Paint and Dust were there, I go to the bathroom and I saw Dust trying to kill my brother, I do my best to protect him, and I send Dust back to his Au, Paint got really mad at me, tho he got barely hurt.

Flash back.......(7years ago)
-This is your fault Ink!!
-Hey!! Don't blame me!!! How the hell am I supposed to know that he was going to kill you!! Besides you got barley hurt!
-Still! And you should know! You are the 'creator'  you supposed to know!!
-Don't get confused!! I creat them and make a story for the but their personality can change if they want!!
-Oh come on!! This is all your fault!! You trust him and I told you you shouldn't!! As you always do! You trust everyone and never stop to think about the consequences of your actions!!
-That's not true!! And what do you know!!? If you were on my situation you'll understand! I've pass years, YEARS, on a fucking place were the only thing I could see was white! There were no walls or an end!! You should be happy that you could live an a house. I pass must part of my life, sleeping on a cold floor, thinking if I would ever meet anyone! And when you pass 14 years there, living there, fighting against a fucking asshole that destroy everything that you love then you'll understand!!
- Shut up you rainbow bitch!
-What did  just call me you call me?!
-Rainbow.Bitch!- Saying this I lightly push him away, he give me a deadly look and push me, but hi did it more hard.
-GHAAAAAA!- I scream as I fall on the table, causing the tip of the table making the table to cut my back, but not a normal cut, this was extremely big, also I hit my head very hard. My view start to get a bit blurry.
-I-Ink. Oh my God. What have I done?.-He mumble under his breath, he open the door and leave the house.
Oh God...... Why? Why you did this Paint?

End of Flashback

-After that I try to heal my self and cry like crazy all night. When he came back he hug me and promised me that he would never hurt me again. And I-I-I...-I immediately break in tears, Error give me a hug trying not to hurt me, I hide my face on his chest, crying.
-There, there. Don't worry, I'm here. And I will always be by your side.....


Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and
LE FEELS!!!!!!!
What do you guys think about this ? Of Paint'/s promise and Ink and Paint fight?
Also tell me what you guys want to happened next chapter.
Also I wanted to dedicate this chapter to this three persons that been reading this story from the beginning
michvane AndyGaby2004 GamerGirl0311Iris . I don't know how you guys like this story because this is  just crap!! Also I want to thank you guys for the  263!!!
About a few days ago we were at 140, how is this possible?!
I love you all, see ya next time ❤️❤️❤️

Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now