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Ink P.V.
After the end of the school day I report those two students from yesterday and they goy expelled for fighting and seducing a teacher (IDK how schools work). After that I go back at my class and continue with my classes.


I put my stuffs away and walk outside the school, when I saw my brother, I turn around trying to enter to the school again but he saw me.

-Ink.-He said.
-*sigh* I-I got things to do.- I lie, the last thing I wanted was to talk to him.
-Your lying. Please,must give me 10 minutes. Please Ink.- He beg
-10 minutes.- I said. Darn it! I have a really big heart (soul?) that I always give people second chances.

We walk to his car and get in. After 5 minutes we get to a park. We walk for 3 minutes when I spoke.

-The 10 minutes are almost over. What do you want?- I ask as he lead me again to the car, and open the trunk and there was a good size box, and he gave it to me, it was a bit heavy.

-A box? That's what you wanna gave me?- I ask confused.
-Look inside of it.- He said as I open the box and see a little kitty, it was black with blue eyes (picture at the beginning of the chapter). It was so CUTE!
-OH MY GOD!! It's so cute!!- I said as I carry the kitty on my arms.
- I know that you always want one, but since of my allergies you couldn't. So I decided to buy you one. I'm not trying to bride you so you could forgive me. It's just I feel like I own you this.
-Oh god. Thanks Paint, but is still hard for me to forgive what you did, but I really appreciate this, thanks.- I said and pet the little kitty.
-It's fine, I'm not asking for an apology. Just want to solve this.-He said and I hug him.
-Thanks, but I should take my leave. It was great to see you again.- I said.
-Sure, want me to take you home?- He ask but I shake my head.


When I get home I saw Error on the couch, he stand up and kiss me and pet the kitty.
-From where did you get it?- Error ask as I leave the kitty on the floor.
-Paint give it to me.- I said as he look at me worry.
-What?- He ask confuse.
- Look, there's nothing to worry about. He gave it to me like a peace offer. It's fine.- I said.
-Fine. What should we name him?- He ask and I got an idea (it's a boy)
-Gardient? -I ask as he kiss me passionately.
- That's perfect babe.- He said.


I know it's short but I have writer block.
But I'm planning something really big, so I think it's worth it.
So you guys choose the best option. Because if you chose A something bad will happen to Ink, on the near future. But if you chose B the relation ship between Ink and Paint will go worst, and Error will have to fight him on the future.
Also I wanted to thank my cousins MarceViguri for making me this awesome cover for the book.
She is awesome. If you guys want you can read her story but it's in Spanish so XD.
Thanks for reading and see you next time 😏😏😏

Thanks for reading and see you next time 😏😏😏

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This is the cover ❤️❤️

Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now