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Error P.V. (Week later, also the flashback end)
I was at my work, I really didn't like it, but the pay was good, also my best friends work there, Nightmare and Gaster (Gaster sans), they are good guys when you get to know them.
-Hey Error.-Nightmare said as I turn my attention to her.
-What's up?- I ask, still focus on what I was doing.
-Someone is calling you.-She said, I took my phone and answer the call.

-Hi glitchy.
-Ink! What's up?
-Well... The ultrasound is in 20 minutes and I assume that you forgot.
-Shit! Sorry Ink, I'm really sorry that I forgot.
-Hey it fine. Don't worry I'm not mad. Just come home so we can go there.
-Okey, I'll be there in a bit. I love you.
-Me too.

I hang up and grab my things to go home with my Inky.
-What, your leaving?-Gaster ask.
-Yep. I gotta go to the first ultrasound of the baby. See ya guys.-I said as I take my leave.

-Time to skip to the place where they take ultrasound, idk where they take them so...-

Me and Ink were waiting for pass to the room, she was holding my hand, it seems like she was nervous.
-Hey babe are you alright?-I ask and she smile.
-Yes, just a bit nervous, I can believe that today we are knowing the baby's gender!-Ink said excited, I put my hand on her stomach, feeling the baby, as I feel a little kick, I couldn't help it but smile.
-Ink and Error?- A lady ask as we stand up and she guide us to a room. She ask ink if she could lay on some sort of stretcher and she did, then she gently lifted her shirt. (I'VE ONLY SEEN THIS SHIT ON MOVIES)
-Okey so I'm gonna put this gel on your stomach, it's cold so sorry about that. Just need to stay calm, and in a few moments you could see the baby on the screen over there.-She said and then she put the gel on her stomach, Ink close her eyes on the contact, then she put some sort of little machine on her stomach gently massaging it, after a few seconds we start seeing the baby on the screen.
-Oh god! It's so cute!-Ink exclaimed.
-Hehe like you.-I said and she smile.
-Wanna know the baby gender?-The lady ask. Me and Ink look at each other and we nod
-Sure!-Me and Ink said at the same time.

Congratulations you two

Are having a

Lol xdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxd sorry I have to 😂😂😂
-A boy!- the lady said.
-A-a boy?-Ink ask excited, I could notice some tears on her eyes.
-Hey babe, are you crying?- I ask with a smirk.
-Yes! I'm just excited, I can't wait to meet him!- She exclaimed.
-Congratulations you two. Now you clean up and you two may leave.- The lady say as she help Ink clean up. After that we go home.

-I'm a bit tire. I'm going to sleep- Ink said as she go to the room. I could go back to work which I don't want to so I go to take a shower.

Ink P.V.
I was sleeping on the room until I heard.....
At the moment a heard that I wake up immediately. I should go check, but what if it's a thief?! Or a murder?! I cannot risk my life and the baby's, but Error is taking a shower, shit! Okey calm down, calm down. I stand up from bed and go to the living room, but there was no one, just a broken glass on the floor, I turn around and see.....
-Holy crap!!- I yelled and slap who ever was behind me.
-F-Fresh?! What the hell dude?!- I yell
-Dude, not cool.- Fresh said as he hold his red cheek.
-Is not cool either appear out of nowhere, you could give me a heart attack!- I protest while putting my hands on my stomach and Error enter to the room.
-How the hell you get here?!-Error ask Fresh.
-I teleport in brah. Also, I heard that today was the first ultrasound of the baby. So is it a cool boy or a radical girl?- Fresh ask while we sit on the living room.
-It's a boy!- I said excited.
-That's cool! Any names yet?- He ask as I shake my head.
-Nope! We haven't still think of a name yet.-Error say
-May I feel it?-Fresh ask and I nod.
-Sure.- I said and Error give him an deadly look
-You better watch where you put your hand dude.-He said on a protective way. Since I got pregnant he was become really overprotective, which I understand perfectly, but sometimes it annoys me. Fresh carefully place his hands on my stomach, I got a bit uncomfortable, but then I start to relax.

After a while Fresh have to go, then I realized that it was night already, I should go to sleep, tomorrow I have work and non of my students know about my pregnancy, only the teachers, but there are some really gossip teachers that they maybe they already tell.

Me and Error lay down in the bed, then he took my hand.
-Hey what should be a good name for the baby?- He ask.
- I don't know, mmmmmmm what about Jasper? (SEE WHAT I DID THERE?! Comment lol if you know what I'm talking about 😂😂😂)- I suggest and he shake his head. Both of us start saying random names and laughing.
-Haha, mmmmm what about Paperjam?-Error ask and I smile while nodding.
-I like that! Paperjam will be.- I exclaim and he put his hand on my stomach, and I did too, a few seconds later I felt a few kicks, and I think Error did to cause he look at me with a huge smile. Error got closer (BUT BABY PUT ME CLOSER ON THE BACK SIT OF YOUR ROVER! AND I KNOW YOU CANT AFFORD IT! 😂😂😂😂 okey I'm gonna shut up now!), our mouths were a few centimeters away, then my lips interview with his. A few second later we separate and go to sleep.


Maybe this is gonna be the worst chapter ever because writer block but I don't care
Sorry, so I was going to update yesterday but, I have history exam and French exam so I did study this time!
And tomorrow I have math.... SHIT!! Well I'm not good on them but I'm either bad so, let's see how it goes.
Thanks for reading this chapter and in a while or tomorrow I'll post my new story of VAMPIREVERSE
So please check it out when it comes out
Also the beautiful cover of that book was made by my Senpai and cousin MarceViguri
She's just awesome
See ya next time and I love you all❤️❤️❤️❤️

Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now