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This chapter will be lemon so f you don't like this kind of things, plz don't read. Also is my first lemon so don't judge. Hope you enjoy 😏😏😏

Narrator P.V.
Error was kissing Ink, then she kiss back, but what Ink didn't know is that Error was in heat. Error put Ink on his lap, with one of her legs on one side of him and the other one in the other side. Error lick Ink's lip, asking for permission, Ink gladly accept, Error explore Ink's wet caver. Ink moan from pleasure, tho she was nervous, since it was her first time. They pulled off to breath, leaving a thick string of saliva connecting their tongues. Error start removing Ink's scarf, reveling some of her tattoos. Error start licking Ink's neck making her moan a little bit to loud.
-K there?- Error ask.
-Y-yes, it's just that my neck is very sensitive.- Ink said as a smirk was drew on Error's face.
"I'm gonna have a lot of fun tonight" Error said on his mind. He continued licking Ink's neck making her moan more louder when he find her sweet spot. Error carry Ink bridal style to her room upstairs, pinning her to the bed, then again attacking her neck, technically abusing her sweet spot. Error put a hand on Ink's shirt, teasing her, then finally he removed her shirt. Instinctively Ink try to cover herself but she fail, so she just look away ashamed of her tattoos. Error though that she look beautiful, with all of this lines all over her body. Error start to to kissing and licking Ink's chest making her moan in pleasure. "AHHH~!!".

Error was just teasing her but both of them were enjoying it, Error removed his shirt and pull down Ink's shorts leaving her just on her panties and bra, she was already really wet. "Wet already?" Error said trying to tease her. "Shut up" Error put his hands on Ink's back, un clipping her bra and slowly removing it. Error start kissing and licking her breast, making her moan really loud, her moan moans can be heard from another Au, but she didn't care, Ink was having a great time. Error quit her panties leaving her completely naked, so he start rubbing her womanhood "AAAHHH~!!" Error insert a finger inside of her, Ink moan as the pleasure run over her body, then he insert a second finger and a third one making Ink cum. Error remove his finger while licking the cum from his hand, "Mmmm Ink you taste so good" Error said and pull down his pants and boxers revealing his big member (I CAN'T SAY THE 'D' WORD OKEY?!?), Error position him self at Ink's entrance, he look at her, making sure she was okey with it, Ink just nodded. Error thrust into her "AHHHH!" Ink scream in pain, Error wait till Ink get use to his side. After a few minutes Ink said "Y-you can ahhh~~ you can move~~" Error start thrusting into her, and with each thrust he goes a little bit more faster. They both were reaching their climax. "Ahhhh~ Faster" Ink moan. "What? I didn't hear you" Error tease. "Babe go faster!~" Ink said between moans. "I can't hear you Inky~" Error tease even more. "ERROR!!" What do you want Inky~?" "Error please!! FUCK ME FASTER!!!" Ink beg "As you wish" Error start thrusting in each time more faster and harder, Ink was screaming on pleasure, she didn't care who heard it, Ink want more. "Ahhh~!! Yes baby!!! FUCK ME DADDY!!! FUCK ME TILL I CAN'T WALK FOR DAYS!!!" " Oh God Ink!! You feel so good~!" Error was thrusting in a inhuman speed and as hard as he could, they were a moaning mess. "Ink I'm gonna-!" "Me too!!" Saying this they start to cum. A few thrust later and Error find the strength to pull out of Ink and lay next to her, pull in her closer to him.
-That was awesome babe. We should do it again.....later.- Error said but he didn't get a response.
-Babe?- He look at her, Ink was already asleep on his chest. He find her just so cute. He gently give her a kiss on the cheek.
-Good night Inky.- He said as he fall asleep.


I'm surprised that I haven't die. Well here you go guys, I hope your enjoy this lemon
It was the first time I write a lemon so don't judge plz. I dedicate this chapter to my friend michvane 
Because she was the one who suggested me to do it, I love you 😘
See ya next time.
Now I'm going for the bleach.

Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now