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Paint P.V.
I tell them to come in. God Ink is in so much trouble!!! They get inside and sit on the couch next to each other, but the Error put Ink on his lap, OH NO HE DIDN'T!!!! I took a deep breath trying to calm down and open my mouth to talk.

-I'll go straight to the point. WHAT THE HELL?!?-I yelled. Ink give me a small smile, she knew that I like punctually, and she knew that I didn't like Error.
-Paint look, I'm sorry, the rain caught us,and there was a baby!!!-She said, wait baby?? Oh shit!!! She isn't talking about...
-Baby?!?-I ask.
-She's talking about my nephew. My brother's wife give birth a few weeks ago and they bring him to my house.-Error said and I sigh in relive.
-Yes!!! He was so cute and his cheeks were so big and-- *Ring ring* Hello?-Ink answer her phone- Mister Dreemur? Umm hold on. Sorry the principal of the school I'll be on the other room. Yeah, I'm still here.- She said as she walk to the kitchen, she work at Universe' High School (I couldn't think of a better name!!! 😂😂😂😂) as the school art teacher (How logical!!!), she leave me alone with Error.
-Ahem. Well, how's being your day?- He ask me wating for an answer. I just ignore him. I got a text from my boss, he wants me to go to the office.
- I need to go. Tell Ink I'll come home very late. And, if you had bad intentions with my sister I'll make sure that there's a place in hell for you. Am I clear?- I ask trying to look scary but he just smirk.
-Sure. - He said with a big smile. I took a deep breath and leave. I swear one of this days I'm gonna kill him.

Ink P.V.
When I hang up I go to the leaving room I only see Error there.
-Where is Paint?- I ask him.
-He said that he had to go. And that he was getting back late.-Error said.
-Oh well. I'll order some pizza!!!- (PIZZA!!!! 🍕🍕)
-Okey. Hey babe can I stay the night here?- He ask as he pull me into a hug, then we sit on the couch, and I just remember that we were still wet.
- Sure thing!! Hey I'll go take a shower and I can borrow you some of my brother's cloths, I'm sure he won't mind.- I said and he happily nodded. I ran upstairs and grab some of my brothers pj's and go back to the living room.

~Le time to skip because author chan is to lazy~

Aft I take a shower I was sitting on the couch drawing on my sketchbook. God I have like 20 already, I love drawing so much, but also I gotta check some works of the students, but I'm too lazy so I'll do it later.
-Hey babe can I look on one of your drawing?- Error ask.
-Sure, wait don't grab that one--!- I said but it was to late, Error was already seeing them, my sketchbook were I draw some sin (your a dirty mind Ink 😏😏).

Error sit right next to me and kiss me roughly..........


Hey ya!!!
Suspense muajajajjaja I'm evil.
Hope you enjoy and, maybe there will be lemon on the next chapter love ya

Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now