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Error P.V.
I saw Ink ran off, and how Fresh smirk, then he sat on the couch with me.

-Fresh, why the hell are you here?- I ask really annoy.
-What, now I can't go annoy-- I mean visit my big brother?- He ask as he put his feet on the table.
-Then go with Geno.-I said while a take another sip of my coffee.
-Oh come on Error! You know our big bro, he is busy with his wife, Reaper (yes Reaper is a girl too, but not including her into the story), by the way, you know she's pregnant? I look at him with my 'look how much I care' face.
- I know your here for a reason Fresh, and is not only to annoy me. What do you want?- I ask getting mad.
-Fine, I'll tell ya, I come here for food, and~ to tell you what I heard last night.- I was a out to tell him that i didn't care, but he was already talking.- Last night I came here to annoy you-- I mean to visit you, when I hear something coming from your house.
-What did you heard?- I ask him, worry what's he was gonna said.
-*sigh* Did you seriously fuck Ink? -Fresh directly ask, I feel my face burning.
-What the-- NO!!!-I yelled really mad.
-Then what was all of that?-He ask. I swear if i could just kill him I would, but we make a deal, Geno force us to promise not to kill each other, and I hate breaking promises.

I start explaining everything to Fresh about what happened last night, and actually he look disappointed, for not peeking on Ink, when she take off her shirt. Sometimes I think he is more Lust brother than mine. After a while we were chatting until he gotta go, he said that now was Geno's turn to get annoy by him.

I check the hour, it was 5 pm. How long does I talk to Fresh. Suddenly I start thinking about ink, about last night, I and I start feeling something...that I don't know what the hell was it, but I just couldn't take her off my head. God I need to see her. To tell her, this thing that I'm feeling.

Ink P.V.

After I get home and tell Paint everything that happened last night, he got really mad, so mad that he won't let me go out of the house for a week, I can only go to Dream house and Blue's.

I go to my art room and from all of the sudden I start drawing Error, God, if he only knew. I have a crush on Error since a few months ago, all I could do is think of him, but I know he doesn't like me back, even worst, he hate me!! It doesn't matter how much I love him, I couldn't let him destroy the Aus.

-Ink!! Can you came here?- My brother ask, so I go downstairs and I saw Paint sitting on the couch, when he saw he stand up and I look up to his face. Darn it!! Why does he have to be so tall and ME SO SMOL!! (Her height is 1.62 and Paint is 1.90 😂😂😂 sorry but I just have a thing for SMOL people, since my best friend is really short, also she have chubby cheeks that make her look more adorable, and I'm really tall, I love SMOL people).
-Hey, are you still mad at me?-He así me, Okey that's a stupid question.
-No, why would I?- I ask him as we sat down on the couch.
-Because what I said to you a few hours ago.- Is he kidding me?!
-Hey, I know you are trying to protect me but, I'm not a bit mad at you, I promise.-I said, surprisingly really calm, but I do was a little mad at him.
-Good, but I'm serious Ink. I don't want you to get hurt, promise me that you'll be careful.-He said and I nod as I walk to my room.

I was drawing at my sketchbook, when I got a text, it was from Error.
Hey ya Ink, could you please meet me at Outertale,
On waterfall, at 8:15, please come alone.

Sure. Meet ya there .

Oh my god!!! I can't believe that I actually said yes!!! Oh I'm so excited. I look at the clock. It's 7:50. I still have time to meet him. But Paint wouldn't let me go. I got an idea. I took my phone and call Dream my best friend.

-DREAM!! I need your help!!
-Ink? What is it?
-If Paint calls you, and if he ask for me, tell him that I'm with you.
-S-sure but, why?
-Look, Error text me saying that he wants to meet me at Outertale!! You know that I have a crush on him, so could you do me this favor?
-Thank you so much Dream!!!

I hang up, as I take my paint brush and go downstairs.

-I'm going with Dream, see ya bro!- I said while I open the door and walk through it, not leaving my brother a chance to speak.
I grab my paint brush and make a portal to Outertale.


Hey ya  guys!!!
Hope you enjoy this chapter!! I make it more short.
Thanks for reading and I'll leave down here a photo of how does Dream look like!!
And just warning you guys, if you don't want to burn your eyes cause of my horrible drawing, plz don't look.
I wish you a merry Christmas and I hope you have a great day.

I wish you a merry Christmas and I hope you have a great day

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Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now