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Ink P.V.
I slowly open my eyes, looking around. I look up and saw Error, sleeping. And we have no clothes on.......yes. And again we did it, well, I can't say that I didn't like it because I did have fun last nigh. After a few minutes Error woke up.

-Morning Inky.- He said on a sleepy voice, while he pull me closer to him, I rest my head on his chest.
-Good morning glitchy.- I said as he kiss me. We separate as he wrap his arms around me, and we cuddle. But then the door open.
-What's up my coolest and radicals frien-- what are you guys doing~?_- Fresh ask on a teasing tone.
-Ce qui la baise?! Pourquoi diable êtes-vous ici?! Et personne ne vous a appris à frapper à la porte?!- I yelled on French. Since my mother is French I have the language on my blood. (TRANSLATION: what the fuck?! Why the hell are you here?! And did somebody teach you to knock on the door?!).
-Dude I don't understand what the fuck you just say- Fresh said.
- Fresh how the fuck you get into the house?!- Error yelled.
-I got a key.- He respond with a shrug.
-Why the whole world have a key of my fucking house?! I definitely I have to change the lock- He said and Fresh keep starting at us.
-Wow Ink, I didn't know tattoos were your thing.- Fresh said as I blush madly.
- J-just go away!- I yelled, I could feel my checks burn.
- I'm not going anywhere till you guys tell me what you were doing~- Fresh tease even more, and Error through at his face a pillow.
-Fuck off!!!- He yelled.
-Okey. Geez, I'll be on the kitchen.- He said as he left the room closing the door behind him.
-*sigh* shit.-I said and Error kiss me on the check.
-We should get dress. Before he comes back.-He said and I nod. We stand up and get dress, and go to the kitchen and so Fresh drinking coffee.
-So did you guys have fun last night~?- Fresh teas.
-Why do you care?- I ask on a angry tone.
-Geez someone just got her period.-Fresh said, I swear if I could I would slap him.
-Shut up. Geez my head hurts- I said as I open a cabinet and grab some pills (NOT DRUGS!!!!) for the  headache.
-Careful, I don't think those are for pregnant people- He tease.THATS IT!!! I was about to hit him but Error hold me back, but after a few seconds I calm down.
-Fresh why the fuck are you here?- Error ask annoy.
-I want breakfast. But I have a question. How hard you get on her last night?- Fresh ask. My goodness.
-That's it! Out! Thanks for passing by but I really hate your company. So go and never came back!- Error said as he kick out Fresh.
-Geez.- Error sigh, and the door open again.
-I forgot my phone.- Fresh said as he take his phone from the table.- BTW, Ink, you some bruises on your neck.- He said and I touch my neck.
- Wheres my scarf?- I ask as I took the scarf form the couch and put it around my neck.
-BYE!!- Fresh yelled as he teleport away.
-We need to change the locks. Hey get ready for tonight I'm planing something special for you.- Error said as he grab me by my waist and kiss me passionately.
-Okey glitchy

-skip time by temmi dancing Harlem Shake-

Error P.V.
It was 7 o'clock. I was waiting Ink for go to our date. I was gonna take her to a pincknick ( is that right?) On Outertale. That universe is really special for use since it was there where I confess my feeling to Ink. Also I'm planning to propose to her so I'm really nervous and scared.

- I'm ready.- Ink said, I blush when I saw her, she was wearing a dress and some high heels, with her hair pulled into a braid (I suck at description). I take her hand and teleport us to Outertale.

-Time the skip because I'm really lazy-

After we done eating, we lay down on the floor, really close to each other and holding hands. Ink was pointing at all the constellation and saying their names. She was so beautiful, I don't know what I did to deserve her. I'm the destroyer of all the creations of Ink but on someway she fall in love with me, and I did to. I want to share my entire life with Ink, but what if she doesn't want to? What if I propose and she rejects me and I just my self a fool? I'm scared. I take my hand on my pocket where the little box with the ring, I was about to take it out but I didn't. I was so scare she would say no, I'll just wait for a bit. Maybe this is not the best moment to do it. I warp my arms around Ink's waist and kiss her, and she kiss back. After a few seconds we separate, we keep looking at each other eyes, Ink let out a yawn. She was there as me as well.

I teleport us to the hluse, we put on our pijamas and go to sleep


Thanks for reading this chapter
I hope you guys enjoy it
And where should the couple be when Error propose?
Careful cause depends on decision the story would go.
A) at a party of all sans B) at a beach C)on a restaurant/date or D) other
Choose wisely!!
Hope you enjoy and see you next time

Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now