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FUCK!! Today is Sunday and tomorrow is Monday that means that.......tomorrow I have exams😭😭😭😭😭😭
Tomorrow I start with my semestral exams so I won't be able to update for a whole fucking week!! And that's horrible cause I was planning something super awesome, and now that ink is pregnant it was going to be more cool! Thank you exams! THANK YOU!!

I just I don't understand a shit! Why the fuck does the exams have to exist? To screw us?! It's not enough that the teacher send of tons of homework everyday?! You also have to put us exams! But not normal exams, exams that contain everything that we have seen the whole year!!!

Wish me luck guys, I'll need! I get good grades some times but with this if fuck! Maybe I'll update on a bit, I don't know. See ya all and thanks for the 778 views. You guys are awesome ❤️❤️❤️

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