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5 months later

Error P.V.
It's been 5 month since the accident, Ink now is completely heal, but she doesn't live with her brother anymore. She lives with me now, she is still mad at him for what he did, and I'm too. The alarm clock turn on and I turn it off quickly and try to fall asleep again but the alarm clock turn on, again. I took it and smash it against the wall, making it to broke, mhe, I'll buy a new one. I stand up and saw Ink, still sleeping.
-Wake up.
-Nooo~ I want to sleep.
-Don't you have work today? It's Monday.
-Yes, but I want to sleep. Those kids are driving me crazy, they keep talking and making disaster.
-Come on, get up. When you get back you sleep all that you want.
Finally Ink stand up and go to the bathroom and close the door behind her, as I heard the water run.
I walk downstairs and put the coffee on the thingy (IDK WHAT IS CALL!! But in Spanish is cafetera so if any know what is call plz tell me) and make waffles. A few minutes I heard Ink coming.
-I'm tired.-She said as she sat on the couch, the living room is connected to the kitchen, yes my house is small but is nice.
-Well you should sleep more early. Here. -I put the plate on the table and we start talking about random stuffs, then we go to our works, I work at a mechanic, it sucks but the pay is good.

Ink P.V. (Sorry I have writer block today) (5hours later)
I was at my class and I tell the students to draw something that makes them feel determined (ITS DETERMINATION OH UHHH OOHH~~ 😂 sorry there a song that goes like that) I sat down at my place and start checking more works when I heard fight, two kids were fighting. I quickly stand up and go to stop them. I hold back on of them.
-Let me at 'em!!!He said as another student hold back the other guys.
-Stop it you two!- I yelled, I rarely raise my voice, and they stop as the others students gasp in surprised- You two, I want you to see you both at the end of the day here on my class!! Now get to work everyone!- I yelled and everyone start to work again I look at the guys that were fighting, an UnderLust guy and a UnderFell one, they smirk at each other and sit down. Somethings was off.

-Time to skip till the end of the school-

I was on my class, put all the materials on their place and wait for those guys to get here. (A/N: Ink is the most attractive and sexy teacher on the school) After a few minutes they show up, I put my back against the wall.
-Want to meet us Miss Ink?~-Ask the UL guys in a seductive tone.
-Yes. I want to know why you to were fighting? -I demand, and they exchange looks.
-Come on Miss Ink. Why we don't talk something else?- UF guys ask with a seductive tone too.
(Okey I'm bad at descriptions but I'm just gonna said that they were on this pose

But obviously Ink didn't want to) Then it hit me, they make the fight on purpose to get me to see them at the end of the school to flirt with me

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But obviously Ink didn't want to)
Then it hit me, they make the fight on purpose to get me to see them at the end of the school to flirt with me. God I'm so stupid!! I look at my phone, Error text me saying that he was outside waiting for me. I gotta get out of here, I walk to my desk and grab my purse, I was about to leave but I turn to them.

-Since you guys aren't cooperating you guys are dismiss, but don't think that you get out of this easy. I'm reporting your guys fight to the principal so he can talk to you. See you tomorrow guys and quit fighting.-I said and walk off the room, I walk through the corridors till I get to the stairs, my class was on the 3 floor, then I heard steps behind me, with the corner of my eye I saw those two following me, I start to walk more faster but the fucking high heels make it difficult, why I have to me so small T.T?

When I get to outside of the building I saw Error on the front door, waiting for me.
-Hi Inky.-He said and I gave him a cut smile, he put me into a hug and kiss me.
-What took you so long?- He ask and we start walking.
-Some students start fighting in class, so I ask them to meet me at the end of the school.-I explain.

-TIME TO SKIP !!!!!😂😂😂😂-

I was at the house, sting on the couch reading my favorite book, when Error sat beside me.
-He ya Inky~- He said on a sexy tone, knew that I like when he talk like that. Oh my God.
-Hi glitchy.- I said as I could feel his hot breath on my neck.
-E-Error, y-you know that my neck is sensitive.-I stutter.
-Oh really~- He said and then he kiss me lustfully, he lick my bottom lip asking for entrance, but just to tease him I decline, he lightly squeeze my breast making me gasp, and he take the opportunity and start exploring my wet cavern, our tongues interview each other, then we separate to breath leaving a thick string of saliva connecting our mouths. Then he start licking my neck making me moan loudly. Then the door open and there was Blue.

-Hi guys!--She didn't finish her sentence after seeing us making out. Me and Error quickly separate, and with my hand I quit Error's saliva off my neck.
-You guys were making out?-Blue and I slowly nodded and she start screaming like a fangirl.
-Didn't we lock the door?- Error ask I nod.
-I gotta key!-Blue said really happy.
-Why you have a fucking key of my house?-He ask and she shrug. We start talking about random stuffs then Error open a window to UnderNovela (For the once who doesn't know what is UnderNovela is an Au that are like some Mexican novellas like 'la rosa de Guadalupe' ' el señor de los cielos' and stuffs like that. Also is Error's and Blue's favorite "show") I rare understand what they were saying, because is in Spanish, I only know French, even tho I creat the Au I didn't understand anything. After a while Blue gotta go and I feel asleep on top of Error.


Hi guys!!
Sorry for not updating. I was going to update yesterday but I go to a party so I couldn't
Thanks for reading this chapter
Also I know that you guys think there's gonna be lemon but NO!!
Not yet darlings.
So I'll see you tomorrow if my teachers didn't send me a lot of homework
But maybe they gonna do because semestral exams are coming so
I love you all and see you next time ❤️❤️❤️

Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now