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(Play the song for feels)
Error P.V
-Error!!-Someone yelled, I immediately wake up with tears on my eyes and sweeting.
-Gahh!- I said a said as I sit down in bed.
-Error are you okey?-Ink ask with a worry tone. I didn't answer.That could be the most horrible and terrine nightmare that I could have (I'm evil :3 :v).
-*sigh* You have another nightmare, didn't you?- Ink ask as I slowly nod, I was still crying.
-Would you like to talk about it?-She ask.
-God Ink, it was so horrible! I lost you!- I said with tears in my eyes and she give me a hug.
-Shh, it's fine....what happen?- I took a deep breath before explaining everything, not with details, I was so scare that something bad will happen to Ink and the baby. Every word that came out of my mouth, every tear that came out of my eyes. Ink pull back and look into my eyes with worry.
-Error, look at me, I'm fine, I'm here, with you. Our child is fine, you got nothing to worry about, I'm not going anywhere. It wasn't real. It was only just a dream.- She said, her voice was so gorgeous and calm, if I want in this situation I will fall asleep for the peace that was on her voice.
-But what I feel was real!- I said, my voice was shaking.
-I could never live with the fact that I lost you and I want able to do anything about it! I-I-- I got cut off by Ink's lips against mine, I suddenly calm down and melt into the kiss wrapping my arms around her waist, a few seconds later she pull back looking into my eyes with a comforting smile, and I smile back. A few second later I calm down completely.
-C-can I feel it?- I ask and ink just giggle.
-Of course yes glitchy.- I slowly put my hands on her stomach, I feel few little kicks, I smile, I gently start rubbing her stomach, I feel so calm and happy with Ink on my side, I close my eyes and take a deep breath before kissing her again.
-Lest get back to sleep, I'm tire, Jammy won't let me sleep.-Ink said and I smile. I lay down hugging Ink close to me and falling asleep.

-Next day. It's already 9:30 pm, why? Because I'm to lazy \_('u')_/-

Ink P.V.
We were at a party at Blue's house, she was hosting a party, there were all of our friends. I took a few glances at Error, I was still worry about his nightmare last night, it most be horrible, I cannot imagine to watch some one that you love, die in from of your eyes and don't do anything.
-Ink?!- Blue said taking me out of my thoughts.-Do you here what I said?- Blue ask with her hands on her hips.
-Umm yes?-I said and she sigh.
-Hey Ink is something bothering you? You been really distract.-Dream said.
-Yes, just...something happen to Error last night.-I said and I take another glance.
-Did you guys fight?- Dream ask.
-What? No! It's not that, is just that Error been having some nightmares lately.-I said a bit worry.
_Oh yeah! Error told me that he have some nightmares, but he told me that he could handle it.- Blue said
-Well, or he lie or this one was worst. He wake up really scare, he was crying.- I explain
-Wait, Error? Crying? Then it most be really bad.-Dream said joking
-Exactly! *sigh* look if I tell you guys about his nightmare promise not to tell anybody.-I said pointing at them and they nod. I took a deep breathe a stray explaining about it, I didn't include that mush detail, but when I finish they were terrify.
-Oh god. That was horrible!-Blue said.
-Yeah, now, don't tell anybody okey?- They nod- Good, hey Blue you got the scarf that I borrow you the last week?- I ask
-Yup! Its on my room, you can get it if you want.- She said and I nod as I head to her room upstairs.

When I get there I saw my blue with sliver scarf on her bed, I took it but when I was about to leave I feel something on my stomach, maybe the baby kicking, but it was different......


:3 :3 :3

Error P.V. >:3
I was talking with Nightmare, Cross and Gaster when "Ahhhh!" Someone scream, I immediately recognized the voice.
-Ink!- I yelled as I room from where it was coming, with Dream and Blue behind me.
-Ink what happen?!- I said as I approach her.
-Error, my water broke.....


I'm the god of CLIFFHANGER!!!!
I'm sorry for making you guys cry last chapter, but I plan that since the beginning of the book
So, SORRY!!!
Also, the vote finish and the next book is gonna be......
Sorry for the ones who vote for another, but I think I should wait some time before doing the second part
And guys as you guys suffer with yesterday chapter I suffer today in school
1. I got a SURPRISE EXAM of MATH!! I didn't understand nothing!! It was like, there 5 girls and two chairs, whose siting on the Chris? WTF?!
And 2. My friend AndyGaby2004 kill my cookie :"v
I love you all and see you next time!!!

Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now