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Ink P.V.

When I walk through the portal I look around to where was I, and I perfectly open the portal on waterfall. I took out my phone and look at the time, it's exactly 8:15. I look around, looking for Error, but sadly not finding him.

Maybe he send that text to prank me. I took my paint brush to open a portal, but deep voice behind me stop me.

Going to soon Inky?- Error ask and I blush bright rainbow at the nickname he gave me.


Narrator P.V.

Ink blush bright rainbow at the nickname that Error have her. Why the fuck I said that?!! Error yelled on his thoughts.

-W-What did you call me?- Ink ask shyly.
-NOTHING!!- Error said immediately while rubbing the back of his neck. Ink look at him confused.
-O-okey? So, Error, why you want to meet me?- Ink ask and Error blush a bit.
-I-I want to tell you something, and maybe your gonna be mad at me for this but...-Error said as ink put her hand on his shoulder, making him jump and blush.
-Error, it's fine you can tell me anything.- Ink said, surpassingly calm, she start blush a bit.
- I-I feel something, I don't know what is it but is there, I feel it every time I see you, it make me feel weird but at the same time it feels good..... I-I love you Ink!!- Error said and they both blush brightly.-I know that you might hate me, and -I'll understand it but- Ink grab Error's face and kiss him passionately.

Error didn't know what to do but then he melted into the kiss, he wants it to be eternally but then she pull off.

-I love you too Error. - Ink respond as she hug him, and Error pull her more close to him.

Error gently kiss Ink on the forehead. They laid down on the floor watching the stars while cuddling, in just a few minutes Ink fall as sleep with her head on Error's shoulder.

Good night Inky.-Error said, after that he teleport him and Ink to her room, leaving her on the bed, he kiss her on the cheek and the teleporting him self to his house.


Hello everyone!
Hope you enjoy this chapter
I know it short but well
I'm on the beach so maybe I will not able to write a lot.
I dedicate this chapter to my friend AndyGaby2004

know hoy love this kind of stuffs.
Also I want yo apologize for not updating. I'm on vacation on the beach with my family so that's why. But as soon I get back I'll start writing. Hope you enjoy and see you next time.

Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now