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Narrator P.V.
After all of that stuff Ink and Error were allowed to go home, they were so exited to get home with their little baby, they didn't knew the big responsibility that came with their child (I know cause I have a little sister, shes 6 years younger than me). But they didn't care, they just care about their family, new family. Jammy was a really cute baby.

-5 years later-

Jammy is five years now, he is a really good kid, he always help other kids on school, Error and Ink are so happy, sometimes they open portal to some wonderful Aus like Outertale or Sugartale so Jammy can have fun. Also Fresh come visit them every week, which makes Jammy really happy (FRESHPAPER!!!!!).

-3 years later-

Now the family move to a bigger house, not really big but really cool, Jammy is eight years old, he get really along with Goth and Palette, Palette is a child that Dream and Cross adopted a few years ago, also their best friends. Ink and Error are also really happy with their life, they would never change it for nothing on the world.

-4 years later-

.......................What's next?.............Find on in the second book that is not coming soon!!!

OKEY DON'T WORRY!!! DON'T PANICK!!! This is not over, just that I'm gonna do another book after this one, Errink High School. That one will be a little longer than this one, also I'm gonna change the schedule of Bites of love, instead of posting on Friday I'm gonna do it on Saturday, cause me and my friend have only one day to plan everything for next chapter, so that's why I change it.

Thanks for reading this story it make me really happy that you guys do cause I actually never thing of getting this much followers or views, you guys are just the best!! I never thought that I'll get to this, I always thought that I will have like 2 or 3 views but this is insane!!! Thank you so much for this and....

I'm gonna do a little scene with the original Ink and Error!!!
She literally capture us and keep us in a cage so we could scape.
Who ask you for your opinion?!?
She is really scary, how do you guys live with her?!
We don't (the readers)
Oh hush! You guys love me.
Well I gotta say that it was a good story, I mean, it was original but.... Why do I have to get hit by a car?!
Hey don't blame me!! They choose that option!!
You trick us!!!
I put the options and you guys choose that one.
Well it was good, I kinda like it.
Yes, I like it too.
Well that's it guys I love you all and hope to see you next time, also make sure to read bites of love and the new book that'll be coming in a few days.

I love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now