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Ink P.V.

After 5 minutes we get to Error's place, well it was an apartment, the place was a little bit dirty and messy. But well, this is his house and I gotta respect it.

-Sit on the couch while I go for something to heal ya up.- He said go to the bathroom, I sit on the couch. I turn on my phone to call my brother, Paint (is ink take papyrus, but I couldn't think of a better name for him so 😂😂😂) he must be worry, but something else catch my attention, it was a picture on the table beside me, I took it to look it better. It was blueberry and Error. She look really happy, and for once I see Error smile. I heard someone coming so I leave the picture where it was.

-Im back.- Error came into the room with his arm filled with bandages, alcohol (not like beer or wine, alcohol for medic, or what ever it's called), and a wet rag.
-Seriously? All of that for a few scratches?- I ask, and he just leave the things on the table.
-Well for "few scratches" your gonna need this. Let's get started.-He said.

~10 minutes later~

-Ow!!- I cried at the moment that the alcohol touch my arm.- It hurts!!
-Well it will hurt less if you stay still!!- He said.- Hey, I finish with your arms and legs, and there's only ones place left to heal up...-
-So....?-I ask, I look at him, he was blushing bright yellow.
-On your back.- He said and I look him like 'really nigga' (this face 😑😑 yeah that face!)
-And that's a problem?- I ask him as he blush him more.
-The problem is that it'll be difficult for me to heal you up cause of your shirt....- He said as he blush a little more, and that made blush bright rainbow. Is he asking... For me...to? I said on my thoughts.
-A-and there's not a way that you could do it?- I ask with my hopes on the sky.
-Unless that you want to hold it up and broke your arm, no.-He answered, this idea was getting my face to burn.-Hey, if it make you feel better I won't look, besides you got nothing to hide.- Umm yes I do. MY BREAST!!!- I scream on my head.- I mean, everybody already saw your tattoos so I don't think that'll be a problem.-
-F-fine! -I yelled as he cover his eyes with his hands. (😏😏😏 okey no, my perv side wants to get out)
-Don't look!-
-I mean it, Error!
-I'm not looking jeez!!

With a hesitant I slowly take off my light blue shirt, leaving it on the floor, revealing my black bra (hahahaha what the fuck I'm doing with my life?!? 😂😂) I want to cover my self as soon as possible but, when i look at Error he still got his eyes cover. Being serious, I thought he was gonna peek, to see me half naked, but he didn't.


Error P.V.

-Can I look now?- I ask, still blushing, I'm really nervous.

-Y-yes.- Ink said as I slowly uncover my eyes as I saw her pulling her hair on her shoulders, she was sitting on a way that she turn her back at me.

I got pretty shock, yes there were the wounds that those guys did to her, but there was a big scar on her back, but this one was an old one, someone did this to her a long ago. With my hands shaking, I slowly pass my finger through the scar, but immediately she shiver, so I stop.

I start to heal the other wounds, and she keep moaning in pain, I gotta say it, I feel bad for her, the alcohol did burn when you put it on a wound, I couldn't blame her, but she was yelling really loud.

Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now