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Okey, so guys the winner from the voting of yesterday is......... C! And the people who vote foes this letter were: GamerGirl0311Iris and AndyGaby2004 . So let's get start it with the chapter from today also get a tissue box because this chapter is gonna be a little sad.
Hope you enjoy

Ink P.V.
Error stand up and open the door and there was Fresh.
-Hey ya!! Wassup!! Widdingly brother!! And his radical girlfriend!!- Fresh yelled and Error was about to close the door on his face but he quickly get in.
-Fresh I'm not on my the mood to deal with your shit right now.-Error said and Fresh sat next to me, I have a really bad feeling about this.
-Fresh what are you doing here?- I ask.
-I came here to annoy- I mean to see you guys.-Fresh said as he get more closer to me, this is getting awkward. Error took my arm and pull me into his chest.
-Mine!- Error said while hugging me.
-Look brah, I didn't come here to stole your girlfriend. I came to talk about something~- Okey now I'm scare.
-Fine! What do you want?-Error said, and I couldn't put my finger on it but something bad is gonna happen.
-After I knock the door I heard you guys conversation. And I gotta say, Ink that was a good prank!!-Fresh said.
-Thanks? I guess?- I respond.
-But that's the diggly darn problem. There's no way that Error could think that you were pregnant if you guys haven't done the thing.......unless....-Shit!!
-Wha? Fresh no!!- I yelled.
-Are you sure Ink? I heard that my big brah sleep at your house yesterday.-How does he know!! The only ones that know are Error, me, and Paint.....
-Hey, stop it! Yes I sleep at her house yesterday that was all!! Now go away Fresh!!- Error yelled, I was so focus on my thoughts that I didn't even notice that Fresh teleport behind me and teleport us to the other side of the room.
-Error I got your bitch-Fresh tease, I struggle to escape but surprisingly Fresh was to strong.
-Let me go!!!!- I scream.
-Fresh leave Ink alone!!-Error yelled.
-Tell me everything and I let her go.-Fresh demand, me and Error exchange looks.
-Fine!-- Me and Error yelled at the same time, and Fresh let me go. I run toward Error and hug him.
-Speak.-Fresh said.
-W-we did it. Me and Error did it last night. Are you happy?!- I yelled, Fresh took out his phone, it seemed like if he was texting someone, but then it hit me.
-Paint. Wait!! My brother send you!! He send you!!-I yelled but he didn't respond and teleport way then we heard a baby cry.
-Goth!- Error yelled and we run to Error room but there was no one besides Goth, I teleport ,without warning, to the outside of the building then I saw Fresh on the highway with his phone out.
-Fresh don't!!- I yelled and running toward him, but he didn't move.
-I'm sorry Ink, but your brother pay a good number of money if I did this.-He said. OMG I can't believe Paint did this.
-Fresh stop it!! It's not worth it, you really think that that money is way better than the relationship ship with your brother?- I ask him, he didn't report by now I was right in front of him. The I saw a light behind us, it was a car. But unfortunately we didn't react so fast making the car to hit us. My vision got blurry and then the only thing I could see was black.....


Crap!! Writer block attack me again 😭😭
I was planning something more emotional but I forgot.
So this was today's chapter and hopefully I update maybe later or tomorrow.
Now let's cry because tomorrow I get back to school 😭😭😭😭
So I won't be able to update as fast as I do but I still won a work on the story.
Also I'm making a Fally x Encre story and I don't know what cover to use. So I'll leave you guys here the cover that I made and put on the comments your favorite and the winner will be the cover of the new book.

 So I'll leave you guys here the cover that I made and put on the comments your favorite and the winner will be the cover of the new book

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Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now