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Please read the Author Notes at the end of the chapter. It's important

Ink P.V.
I woke up thanks to the sunlight entering through my window, I rubbed my eyes trying to wake up completely, I try to get up from bed but something was holding me me back, I look back and saw Error hugging me. I wonder why he doesn't have clothes on, but then it hit me. HOLY SHIT!!! We have sex last night didn't we? Crap. Paint is gonna be so mad at me. I blush madly as the memories came back at me, God I can't believe I did that. Then Error wake up and give me a kiss on the cheek.
- Morning babe.-Error said.
- Hi. Hey let's get dressed before my brother finds out what we did last night.- I said as he nod as we get up and get dressed, I have to work today since its Friday, well at least is the last day of school of the week.

Me and Error walk downstairs to get breakfast and then my brother enter to the kitchen.

-Hi Ink, hey you have work today?-- Why is he still in my house?- Paint ask, he look annoy.
-He sleep here last night.-I respond.
-Why the hell-!? You not what I'm not going to say nothing cause I'm running late to my job, you should go to.-He said as go to the door and leave.
-Geez, what is his problem?-Error ask as he hug me from behind.

~Le time to skip because I'm lazy and the writer block hit me 🙃🙃🙃~ *4 hours later (yes I get rid of the writer block after 4 hours)*

Error P.V. (It has passed a few hours, it's already 12 pm, almost 1pm.)

I was sitting on the couch, today I have no work so, my plan for the day is do nothing and wait until Ink get back from work. *knock knock* I get up and see Geno and Reaper.

-What?- I ask, trying to sound annoy so they go away.
-Hello to you too brother. Look this is serious, me and Reaper are going out of the city a few days and it'll be great if you could take care of Goth while we are out.- Geno said.
-Why you don't ask Fresh?-I respond.
-Are you kidding me?! I won't live my baby with that parasite! I think it's safer to leave him with Horror or even Lust!-Reaper complain, she have a point.
-Meh, good point.- I reply.
-Look, just take him, be careful.-Reaper carefully hand me the baby.- Here is a list of what you need to do and at what time, also take some of his toy so he'll be entertain, if he start crying just pick him up and lull him, on this bag is his food. We'll be back in a few days, mommy love you, see ya soon. Take good care of him Error, or I'll reap your soul and send you to straight to hell and won't care what goodness of life tell me. I love you Gothy, please be good.- Reaper give a kiss on her baby's head and leave. Well can't expect less from the goodness of Death. I close the door and look at my nephew on my arms. What the hell IM suppose to do with a baby?! I don't know nothing about babies!

Shit!! I'm screw!! If something happened to Goth, Geno and and Reaper will kill me!! Okey, okey, Error calm down, you got this. You can ask Ink for help, I'm sure she'll be glad to help me, she loves babies so she maybe know more of this things than me. I took my phone and call her.

-Ink! I need your help!
-E-Error? I can't talk right now, I'm on the middle of the class.
-I know your busy, but I really need your help.
-*sigh* Fine what do you need?
-Well, Geno and Reaper have to go out of the city for a few days, and they leave Goth with me to take care of him while they are out, but I don't know a fucking thing about babies!
-So your asking for help?
-Hahaha, Oh my God! Okey, look my last class finish in 20 minutes, so once is it over I'll go to your house.
-Thank you Inky.
-Don't worry, I love you glitchy.

After i hang up I drop the phone, I swear I heard giggles from the other side of the phone, maybe some of Ink's students. Okey I only have to wait until Ink get here.

-Gua!! Guaaaa!! Guaaaaaaa!-The baby cry. SHIT WHAT DO I DO?! (I DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE BABY CRYING OKEY?!?)

~Le time to skip~

Ink P.V.
After my last class was over I walk straight to Errors house. *Knock knock* I knock on the door waiting for Error to open. Error open the door and I heard crying.
-Ink! Thank God! Come in!- Error said and I walk in and I saw little Gothy crying on the couch, and I walk toward him.
-From all of the sudden he start crying, and i don't know what to do!-He explain and I laugh, then I pick up the baby and start lull him, after a few second he stop crying.
-Seriously?! That was all?!- Error yelled and I laugh.
-You really never take care of a baby?-I ask and he shake his head- Whelp. Here ya go.- I carefully hand him Goth, Error look pretty nervous.

The entire day we play with little Gothy, he is super cute!! Error is lucky to have him as a nephew, tho it was more funny to see Error making him self a fool for not knowing nothing about babies. I treat Goth as if he was my son, I can't help it, I always do that with babies, also Error look a little worry about, well since last night......still can't believe I lose my virginity, I always thought that I was gonna lose it when I was marry or something. And if Paint ever finds out he will really upset,and even worst, he will make me break up with Error. Shit! This will be Error and mine secret, we will tell nobody. After a while the baby fall asleep in my arms, Error tell me that I could put him on his bed, and I did, I just put up a little wall of pillows so he didn't fall off. After that I lay on the couch with Error.

-Okey, this sure was hell.-Error said and I laugh.
-Haha, come on it was fun.-I reply and both of us laugh.
-Maybe for you! I had no idea what to do!- He complain and I got an idea.
-Well you better get use to this. You will find it useful in short time.-I said and he look confused
-What do you mean? Wait. You? Are you pregnant?- He ask as I contain my laughter.
-Maybeee~- I said then his face turn into shock and fear. Then I couldn't resist more and I explode in laughter.
-What are you laughing?!?- He yelled.
-OH MY GOD!! Hahahahaha!! You should look at your face!! It's a prank!!!-I laugh and he look even more confused.
-A PRANK?!-He yelled.
-I'm not pregnant! Hahaha!!- I laugh and he did too.
-God dammit Ink! You scare the crap out of me!-Error complain.
-Haha, sorry. But it was so funny!!- I said and then someone knock on the door.......


Sorry guys but Inky is not pregnant.
It was just a prank bro!!!
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and now....
How should be the mysterious person?
A)Blue (swap sans) B) Dream C)Fresh or D)Paint (Ink's brother)
Leave on the comments down below who should be this person. You guys have the entire day to decide
Tomorrow I'll start writing the chapter, also be careful who you choose. Because this will affect the story in
Some way, so careful not there. See ya soon
I love you guys.

Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now