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3 months later
(You'll be asking, 'why so much time?' Because I can!!!)

Ink P.V.

It's been 3 months since Error and I start dating. God I love him so much, Dream and Blue are always teasing me about it and I tease them back, well only Dream, he is gay and I know who is his crush, but Blue have no crush, she is still trying to join the Royal Guard that she don't have time for those things.

I'm at Error's house, and his brothers are there too. Geno decide to bring his wife, Reaper, she also give birth a few weeks ago. We were watching a movie, well we were more interested on how fresh try to put as many sausage on his mouth as possible.

-More! More! More!-Geno and Error were screaming and I just can't stop laughing.
-God dammit Fresh! You already put on your mouth like 50!!- Error yelled between laughs. After that Fresh spit them out , leaving all the sausages on the floor.
-Hey you guys are helping me clean all this mess!- Error said and I giggle.
-I'm out!!- Fresh yelled as he teleport away.
-Hahaha! Don't worry babe I'll help you clean.- I said as Error pull me closer to him, and I start blushing.
-Thanks Inky.- Error said and he kiss me on the cheek.
-Awww you guys are so cute.- Reaper said with her baby on their arms. (Goth OH MY GOD I LOVE HIM).
-Hey bro when is the wedding?-Geno said trying to tease him. Blush even more.
-Come one Geno!! We just been dating for 3 months geez!!- Error said and we all laugh, after that he turn off the TV and start cleaning the mess.

After that I sat with Reaper on the kitchen table chatting and gossiping.

-Oh my god. Goth is so cute!- I said and Reaper give a warm smile.
-Aww thank you Ink. Wanna hold him?- She ask me.
-I'll be honored.- I said as she carefully hand me the baby. I took Goth in my arms, God dammit!, he is cute.
-Hi there little one.- I said with a soft voice and the little baby took my finger with his little hand.
Error P.V.
I look back and see Ink holding Geno and Reaper's baby, I quickly turn away blushing. God she is so beautiful. It'll be nice to have a family with her, but we been dating for a few months.

~Time to skip because author-chan is to lazy 😂😂🙃🙃~

About an hour ago Reaper and Geno had left and I was home alone with Ink (😏😏😏 okey no!!!) we were sitting on the couch, Ink was laying down on my chest as I play with her hair. Out of nothing she start laughing.

-What are you laughing at shorty?- I ask and she stop she sit beside me, she look a little bit annoy.
- I'm not short!-Ink said, God she so cute.
-Yes you are.- I said, teasing her.
-I'm not!!- She yelled. I grab her by her waist and pinned her to the couch, getting on top of her and start ticking her (What? You guys though that they were gonna fuck?). She start laughing like crazy.
-Hahaha!! E-Error stop hahaha!!-Ink said between laughs.
-Mmmmm no.- I said and continue. After a few minutes I stop.
-Hehe, ow my stomach hurts.- She said still smiling.
-Are you okey?- I ask a little worry.
- Haha, yes, yes I'm. But I'm hungry.- Ink said while standing up.
- I'll order some pizza.- I said as I turn on my phone.
*Ding ding* Never mind. My brother text me saying to go home.- Ink said. Nuuuuuu
- Aww, can't you stay a little longer.- I beg, I don't want her to go.
- Sorry glitchy, but you know how my brother gets if I'm late.- She said and I hug her tight.
- Fine. Want me to walk you home?- I ask.
- Sure thing babe.-

Ink P.V.

Me and Error walk on the street it was getting dark then from all of the sudden it start to rain. Dam it we didn't bring an umbrella. Then we start running so we get to my house for fast. After a while I start to get tired and Error notice it and stop.

-We shouldn't stop, we are getting wet.- I said as the rain was falling in us. Error got closer to me, then he carry me like bridal style making me blush madly.
- If you continue running your gonna fall.- He said with a smirk.
-B-b-but I'm heavy!- I said still blushing and he start running.
-No your not. Love ya babe.- He said and give a kiss on the fore head.
-I love you too.- I said and he stop. He look deep into my eyes, the rain above us make me feel so alive, I love the rain, the drops were running through my hair and his. He put a hand on my cheek and start getting closer to my face and he put his lips against mine. This moment was just perfect, and I didn't want it to end but then we pulled back for air, and then we take our lead.

~Le time to skip~

When we get to my house I can see Paint standing outside the house with his arm crossed. He look reaaaaaaally mad. Error let me go and scratch the back of his neck. My brother give us the signal to come inside. My goddess we are gonna get it trouble.


Hey ya!!!
Hope you like this chapter, tell me what you guys want to happen next chapter.
After paint  scold them what should happened
A) Error stay on inks house or B) That Error go to his house but with a little surprised
See ya next time!!!

Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now