A/N read please

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Okey I know that you guys are waiting for a chapter but....... I don't know what the fuck to write!! I have writer block, again! So I been thinking that you guys should decide what should happen next chapter, cause I have a few ideas but I don't know which one to choose so here are the options.

A) Ink's parents came to visit her daughter (they don't know that she's pregnant)
B) Something funny. For some reason Eraser and Reboot (Ink and Error swap), Fallacy and Encre (Ink and Error Vampireverse) and Ink and Error Nerd and jock, appear on their place and some funny things and wired will happen
C) Another lemon, I know that ink is pregnant and she can't do it, but this one will be a side-story

Wait, another?! So you have written lemons between me and Error, and I'm a girl and a human on your story?!
Yup! It's awesome!
Why? I'm a skeleton, a MALE skeleton! This have no logic
Hey guys!
Don't read her story!! She's insane!!
*Read the story cause he is a badass* what's wrong with you?!
Heheheheh Hay muchas cosas wuuuuuuu!! (Only two people are gonna understand this 😂😂😂) Be thankful, people like this
So, basically your story is that all of us are humans, and Ink is a girl, and you put me to fuck with him?! Two times?!
YUP!! And I love it!
But why I'm gotta be the girl?! And why didn't you put a condom?!
I was going to. But I forgot, and it was more fun like that
You have HUGE mental problem!
I now!! But with my magical pink (I hate pink -.-) unicorn I'm gonna be fine!!
I think it's contagious, let's get out of here....
*Ink and Error go to the void to scape from the crazy author*
Thanks for reading and hope to see you soon, also I have art exam today......it supposed that art is to draw and that but no, I HAVE THE HISTORY OF ART I'm so screw, because I didn't study, tho in my other exams I didn't study either and I got more than 8, and I'm like 😂😐🤔🤔🤔😂😂😂


Creator and Destroyer (ink x error) [human version]Where stories live. Discover now