Time To X Leave The X Zoldyck Residence

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After Killua finished talking to Silva, he let us go and we started walking to the butler's residence on the same property. I was excited and nervous to see Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika. But more nervous to see Kurapika. He seemed pissed off when he found out Killua and I were engaged and I ran into the residence by myself without anyone to guide me. He said he was in love with me and when he found out I was in an arranged marriage, he was infuriated, but he obviously didn't care and still kissed me.

"Aria, can I ask you a question?" Killua asks and I nodded my head.

"Do you love Kurapika?" Killua asks and I shook my head.

"Leorio?" Killua asks and I gag.

"What about Gon?" Killua asks and I sighed.

"No. He was in love with me before in 5th and 6th grade and someone dared him to ask me out and I said sure. Then we dated for a month and I broke up with him because we were forced to live together and it was weird." I explain then we arrived at the residence.

"Welcome, Killua-Sama and Aria-Sama." Gotoh says and we walk in and he lead us to a different room and I walked over to the window and looked out of it.

"Uh....Aria, did you have a change of clothes?" Killua asks me and I snapped my fingers then I turned around and saw Killua with his face staring at the wall.

"They're in Gon's bag. Why?" I ask and Killua pointed to the corner and I jogged over and saw a white sleeveless shirt that said "It Is What It Is", denim ripped shorts, and a black bra.

"Stay looking at the wall. I'm getting changed." I tell Killua and he nodded his head and I stood in that corner and got changed. And I had to admit, I didn't look half bad.

"I'm done." I say and Killua turned around and looked at me and his eyes lit up.

"Y-You look cute...." Killua tells me and I smile.

"Thanks!" I thank then I ran over to the couch and jumped on it and leaned against the side. Then Killua sat in front of me and grabbed a box of Choco Robos and started eating them.

"Can I have a box?" I ask politely and he nodded his head and tossed me a box. I then opened it and ate some chocolate.

"Killua, can I ask you a question?" I request and he smirks.

"You just did." Killua comments and I threw my empty box at him.

"That's my saying." I tell him and he laughs.

"I'm serious though. Can I please ask you a question?" I ask and Killua nodded his head.

"Have you ever been in love before?" I ask and Killua slightly blushes and hesitantly shook his head.

"Have you?" Killua asks and I sigh and slouch in my seat and rest my head on my hand.

"Honestly, I don't know. My emotions and feelings control me. I love who I wanna love and they reject it. They love who they wanna love and I end up falling for them. I don't know who I love anymore." I explain then I felt quick movement on the couch and I look up and saw Killua. He was hovering over me then he kissed me. My eyes shot open and they slowly closed. He then removed his lips from mine and he sat down on his heels and was panting.

"I-I'm sorry...You, see...I-I-I-I-I----" Killua started to say then I looked at the door and looked back at him.

"What?" I ask and Killua shook his head.

"Never mind. Lets go see if they're here." Killua denies and I shrugged my shoulders and stood up with him and we walked out of the room we were in and walked down a hallway.

"Hey, Gotoh. Are they here yet?" Killua asks and three men turned around and looked at us. One with black hair, brown eyes, and glasses. Another with blonde hair, dark gray eyes, and a girly face. And the other with spiky green and black hair, brown eyes, and his face all scratched up.

"GON!!!!" I yell and I ran towards him and jumped up over the couch they were sitting on and wrapped my arms around Gon's neck and twisted my body around and my feet landed on a coffee table and I did a backflip and landed it on the ground and kept on hugging Gon.

"YOU'RE OKAY!!!" I cheer and Gon giggles and hugged me back.

"Gotoh. I thought I told you that to come get me when they get here." Killua reminds his butler and the butler bows.

"Sorry, Killua-Sama." Gotoh apologizes then we left the Zoldyck residence and took a train to town.

"Wait, so you had to pay for a visiting visa?! Why couldn't you use your license?!" Killua asks Gon.

"I'm not going to use it until I complete what I need to get done." Gon says.

"And what's that?" Killua asks and he took out Hisoka's tag and showed it.

"To return Hisoka's tag to him! He said to give him back his tag when I can punch him like he did to me!" Gon answers.

"And do you even know where he is?" Killua asks and Gon laughs nervously.

"*laughs awkwardly* Uh....no." Gon answers.

"I might know." I say and they all look at me.

"How?" Leorio asks.

"Hisoka's been protecting me since I was born, right? And he's been friends and Mom before, right? So, he would be following me around. At least, that's what he's been doing for the last 10 years. He's been staying close to me wherever I've been before Mom and Dad disappeared." I explain.

"I know where he's going." Kurapika says and I look at him.

"Where and how?" I ask.

"I asked him and he told me. He overheard me saying how I want the Phantom Troupe dead and he probably found out abut it." Kurapika explains.

"But what did he say to you during your fight?" Leorio asks.

"'I have some information for you regarding the spider.'" Kurapika answers and I huff.

"Sounds like something that pedoclown would say." I comment.

"I was interested about his information, so I asked him about it. And he told me, 'I shall await for you in Yorknew City, on September 1st.'" Kurapika explains and my eyes widened.

"That's my birthday. But what's in Yorknew?" I ask.

"One of the world's largest auctions. People will trade rare goods, treasures, and much more then the baddest people will go there to try and win. So I'm guessing they'll be going." Kurapika explains and I look out of the window and sigh.


"In order for you to get strong enough to fight Hisoka, let alone defeat him, you'll have to get some serious training." Killua explains to Gon and he kept on explaining and my phone then dinged and I looked at it and it was a text from Jackson.

"Look next to you." It read and I looked to my right and saw Jackson on the other side of the street and he was walking over with sunglasses on.

"What'cha doing?" Jackson asks and I hug him and he hugs me back.

"Killua is explain strength and how to fight Hisoka, to Gon." I answer.

"Ari-Chan, we're going to a place called Heavens Arena! Wanna go?!" Gon asks and I sigh.

"I have to!" I answer and I look at Jackson.

"Sorry, I have to go." I tell Jackson and he smiles at me.

"It's fine. I have to head back to Whale Island anyways." Jackson says and I hug him goodbye and he jogged away. I then looked back at Killua and Gon as they started walking away and I followed them.

"Don't let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace."- Dalai Lama

A Vampire But Not A Vampire Hunter (Hunter X Hunter Kurapika or Killua x oc)Where stories live. Discover now