The Most X Shocking X Tragedy Ever

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"Kurapika." I say and he looks back at me and I had my hand in front of Shiku.

"This is Shikunay Sakamaki-Paradinight. My step-cousin and Leorio's little sister. She is a Nen master and a Hunter, also." I introduce and Kurapika studies Shiku as she bows in front of him.

"It is very nice to meet you, Kurapika-san." Shiku says and he nods then faces forward again. Shiku then she stood up straight and leaned her head towards my ear.

"Kurapika-san is really cute. How old is he?" She asks me and I sigh.

"He's 17, I think." I answer and she nods then we walked towards the side of the roof and we looked down at the auction center.

"Kurapika, can I see your binoculars?" I ask him then he hands me them and I placed them in front of my eyes. I then watched the front entrance and saw three people walk in. One very large man, a tiny man, and a woman. I then heard gunshots sound and I removed the binoculars from my eyes and shoved them back at Kurapika and raised my hand in the air.

"Story Teller! Third Eye!" I say then a large book appears in front of me and in one of the pages, I saw a vision of what was happening then I saw Baise run into the front hallway with Ivlenkov and he put the phone up to his ear. His head was then bashed by the woman I saw earlier then my eyes widened.

"Story Teller, show me what is happening in the auction hall." I command then I saw what was in the auction hall. I was either going to throw up or my bloodlust was going to happen. People's bodies were scattered across the floor with a lake of blood on the ground. Kurapika then called Dalzollene from my expression.

"Sas efcharistó, Story Teller. Boreíte na kleísete. (Thank you, Story Teller. You may close)" I command then Story Teller was off and I just stared at the building.

"Shadow, your heart is beating very rapidly. Are you nervous?" Melody asks me and I shook my head.

"No. I'm more shocked." I answer then Kurapika moves over to me.

"Is the merchandise still there?" Kurapika asks.

"Story Teller! Stay Safe!" I conjure then the large book opens in front of my face and it was just completely black.

"Limits have been reached, cannot see in that location." The book says then I close it and stood on the side of the building.

"I'll go in. I'll call you and let you know what happens." I tell them.

"Shadow, let me go with you." Shiku tells me and I shook my head.

"Leorio, Freya, Sharvari, and Kanato will kill me if they find out if you're ever dead. I'll be back, I promise." I assure Shiku then I started leaning forward and fell from the building.

"ARI----SHADOW!!!!" Kurapika shouts then I land my feet on the front of the building and ran down it. I then landed on the ground and covered my mouth.

"Love Song." I say then I hummed.

"Trust the one

Who's been where you are wishing all it was

Was sticks and stones

Those words cut deep but they don't mean you're all alone

And you're not invisible

Hear me out,

There's so much more to life than what you're feeling now

Someday you'll look back on all these days

And all this pain is gonna be invisible

Oh, invisible" I sang then I turned invisible and ran into the auction hall and saw who the culprits were. The Mafia soldiers all ran into the auction hall as I ran to the safe then opened it. It was wiped clean. No sign of the merchandise anywhere. I then ran back out of the auction hall and jumped back up and I was back to normal.

"No sign of the merchandise anywhere. I couldn't even get a scent on where it could go." I tell Kurapika then he tells Dalzollene and Shiku looked at me with nervous eyes.

"What will happen?" Shiku asks then I sigh.

"We have to go after whoever killed all of those men and women, and kill them." I tell her.

"Aria, we're going after who took the merchandise and killed all those people by car. I'm not sure if there's enough room, so you can turn into a wolf and run there if you want." Kurapika whispers to me.

"We'll make ourselves fit. I'll sit on the roof of the car if I have to, at least." I whisper back then I looked at Shiku.

"You wanna go with?" I ask her and she nods hesitantly then we got off of the roof and right before she got in the car I grabbed her arm.

"If it's too dangerous for you to be there, you're going back to Gon, Killua, and Leorio, got that?" I ask her and she nods.

"I know that, I should be saying the same to you, too." She agrees then she gets in the car.

"But I'm work with these people. I'm strong enough, remember?" I question Shiku then I close the car door then jumped on top of the car and Basho started speeding away. My grip was tight on the top of the car then we pulled into some kind of desert. Once the car stopped, I jumped off and ran to the edge of the cliff and saw a man with spiky hair, tan skin, a fur coat, a white muscle shirt on, shorts, and fur boots on. My eyes then widened as the flashback of the dream I had during the Hunter Exam in the Fourth Phase, came back. Everyone else stood near me and I couldn't hear anything. I then began to tremble then I look at Kurapika.

"Kurapika..." I say faintly and he looks at me as I grabbed his hand tightly.

"I remember the big guy. He was in a dream I had during the Hunter exam in the Fourth Phase." I tell Kurapika and his eyes widened as I latched myself onto him.

"Help me...please...I can't stop shaking." I beg Kurapika and he held onto me.

"You'll be okay." Kurapika assures me.

"Wait! I suddenly hear an additional heartbeat coming from somewhere..." Melody says then I heard the ground rumbling and we looked behind all of us then saw a worm-like creature come from the ground.

"I am Worm, a Shadow Beast. Which group do you belong to?" Worm asks.

"We're bodyguards for the Nostrade Family." Dalzollene answers then Worm looks around.

"I see. It seems that you can use Nen, but don't bother." Worm says.

"These aren't ordinary thugs." A man say then we all look to Melody's right and saw a man with spiky hair and sharp teeth emerge from the rocks.

"To them, taking lives is like breathing." The man says.

"Y-You could say they're professional killers." A another man says then a short guy emerges from the shadows.

"And a pro knows his trade best of all." A fat guy says as he emerges from the shadows.

"Rabid Dog." The spiky haired one says.

"I'm Leech." The fat guy says.

"I-I'm Porcupine." The short guy says then Worm dives back into the ground.

"We Shadow Beasts will see to them." Rabid Dog says as they slowly move towards the huge crater and I let go of Kurapika.

"Just because you're angry, doesn't mean you have the right to be cruel."

A Vampire But Not A Vampire Hunter (Hunter X Hunter Kurapika or Killua x oc)Where stories live. Discover now