I am a person stuck in the past.
I don't know how to explain it properly, but certain points in my life have different scents and flavors I guess, different feelings.
A certain song will play, or I hear a familiar noise, a certain smell, and for a moment I travel back in time. I don't have specific memories, just a feeling in my chest that is mingled with pain.
For example, this past June is a part of my life I often wish I can go back to. Back then I was a better person. Whenever I hear the song that I always had on repeat, I get a warm feeling, and I am reminded of laundry detergent and cream of wheat. Weird but I guess those are the scents and tastes I was exposed to most often back then.
But after that feeling leaves, I'm left with a gaping hole in me. As time ticks by I am leaving bits and pieces of myself in the past, like Hansel dropping breadcrumbs. Some day soon there will no more pieces of me to drop.
I know this makes no sense, but I tried my best to describe it. :P
You have to feel it to understand, and maybe a lot of other people do. I don't know.
I just wanted to get down what I was feeling, I don't think I'll publish this. Maybe I will. Who knows.