11 steps to a lazy day

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Whenever you have a last day and feel stressed, these things might help you.

1. Take a bubble bath.

The feeling of the warm water and bubbles will calm you almost instantly. If you get bored easily, bring a book. Not your phone, a book with paper pages and ink words. Having an actual book will help you relax and let your mind take a break. Use bubble bath made just to calm you. If you have any, wash your hair with minty shampoo.

2. Have messy hair.

Wash your hair with your favorite shampoo and let it air dry. Trust me, it feels great. Wear that messy hair with pride, it is your lazy day after all.

3. Wear comfy clothes.

Baggy shirts and pajama shorts are my favorite. Put on some fuzzy slippers or socks.

4. Don't think about things.

Just let your mind rest, you deserve it. Just focus on how freaking wonderful these clothes feel.

5. Take a nap.

Everyone feels better after a nice nap.

6. Light a candle or turn on your fairy lights.

The glow will set a calm tone to your room and keep you calm.

7. Breathe deep.

Just focus on your breathing. You're here, breathing the same air that birds and butterflies are breathing. Just relax.

8. Write.

You don't have to out-write J.K. Rowling, just write some happy stories. Ones about curious kids going on adventures, or your OTP spending the holiday with each other.

9. Don't listen to music.

Listen to the noises outside. Listen to the lawn mower, the birds, the passing cars.

10. This one is very important. Put down your phone, turn off the television, and close your computer. Just for a day. You don't need to talk to your friend 24/7, that's stressful even if you don't realize it. Just spend the day with yourself. Don't think about your problems, think about the good things. Close your eyes and think about your favorite place. This day belongs to you.

11. Go to sleep early.

Don't stay up until 2 am. Go to sleep early and you'll appreciate it tomorrow. You will feel well rested and ready to go.

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