Maybe I should talk about how I feel. Hmm. Well there's a problem, I have no clue how I feel. Irritated? Kind of. Tired? More like sleepy. Sad? No, not exactly.
Exhausted is a nice word. I'm exhausted. My brain is just so done with life. It decided "fuck everyone, fuck everything, and while we're at it, why not fuck me too?"
Sleep is peaceful and I wish I could just sleep constantly. Fan fiction is another thing that is keeping me going. Gotta get a daily dose of Wolfstar and Drarry.
I can't deal with people. They irritate me like nothing else can and I can't stand them. This is probably my lack of sleep and food talking, sorry.
My brother pissed me off and I ended up dumping a glass of water on him. Oops. I think I'll get better if I sleep.