The Misadventures of me

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So it's your average Monday morning and I do not wanna go to school. It's always the same thing, you go to your boring classes, eat lunch with your one friend, and get bumped into by a "popular" kid who doesn't even know your name. But unfortunately for me I'm forced to go, number 1 it's the law, number 2 my parents are teachers
there. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, oh you get easy A's but it's actually not like that, my parents treat me like any other student.

"Honey! Do you want blueberry or chocolate chip pancakes?" my mom yells from downstairs.

"Blueberry!" I reply, I mean I love chocolate but my healthy metabolism won't last forever. I look pretty basic if you ask me, I have brown hair, I wear Ray Bans glasses, I'm skinny, and I'm 5' 6' tall. I take a shower and get ready for school, I decide to wear my 'meat is murder' shirt since I'm a vegetarian, some skinny jeans, and some Vans. I'm now ready to start a boring day. I walk downstairs and eat my pancakes, then I get my bag and walk to school. Even though my parents work there it's still pretty embarrassing to get a ride from them, considering I should have my license by now. I start walking until I get bumped by an unfamiliar face.

"Sorry" He says,while taking a second look at me.

"It's fine" I said and kept walking.

"I'm Cameron" He says trying to catch up.

"It's nice to meet you and all, but I gotta get to school" I reply.

"Are you going to Elmore?" He asks.

"Yes..?" I reply.

"Oh that's great! I'm going there too, well I'm new so maybe you can show me around" He says winking.

"Uhh, no actually it's not that big of a school I'm sure you'll find your way around." I say .

"Can I at least know your name?" He asks.

"It's, Riley, ok are you satisfied?" I say fiercely.

"Yeah actually I am, that's a nice name by the way."

"Thanks, and can you stop following me?"

"Oh, I'm not following you sweetheart, don't you remember we go to the same school now." he replies .

"Don't call me sweetheart." I say

"Yeah, yeah." He replies. We finally make it to school and I'm relieved, he actually was getting kinda annoying, and I know what annoying is considering I have two younger twin brothers.

"See you around sweetheart!" He yells making everybody stare at me, wow there's nothing I hate more then being center of attention.

I then go to my first class of the day, American History which is the class my dad teaches, I sit in my usual seat and see my dad walk in, with a very familiar face, Cameron.

"Hello, class we have a new student joining us today's his name is Cameron Schmitt."

"Cameron, why don't you take a seat next too..." Don't say Riley, don't
say Riley, I think to myself. "Zachary." He finishes. Thank goodness for parent, daughter telepathy.

"Ok students, let's talk about World War II." My dad says, I then feel a tug only long hair. I turn around and notice it was Cameron, shoot!, I forgot Zachary sat behind me.

"Hey sweetheart." he whispers

"I said, don't call me sweetheart."

"Does it look like I listen to people?" He asks sarcastically

"No" I say sighing

"Good, I didn't wanna give you the wrong idea" he says winking again

"Yeah, yeah" I reply.

"Riley, do you need to step outside?" my dad asks sounding a little mad

"No sir." I say. I then hear Cameron laughing, I turn around and give him a look that says 'shut up', he immediately stops and writes the notes on the board. I finally hear the bell, which means it's lunch time, I get up eagerly and I'm about to walk out only to be stopped by my dad...

"Riley, can you show Cameron around?" he asks. Oh My God! This is exactly what he wanted, and it's not like I can say no, my dad knows I have nothing better to do.

"Yeah, sure" I say in a low voice

"Ok, thanks, hon." he replies. I finally walk out the class with Cameron following me.

"Did Mr. Cooper just call you hon?" He asks laughing

"Yeah, he's my dad." I reply

"Oh, lucky you." he says

"Actually not that lucky." I say as I walk in the cafeteria

"Hey! Ri! over hear!" I hear my best, and only friend Josh.

"Hey Josh." I say smiling

"Who's this?" he asks pointing to Cameron

"I'm Cameron." he says wrapping his arm around me as if I was his. I then quickly move his arm.

"He's new." I say to Josh

"Oh cool." he replies looking back at his food

"So sweetheart, what's good to eat here?" he asks

"Not your sweetheart, and the pizza is pretty good." I reply

"Ok cool, I'll get that, and you want me to pay for you?" He asks

"Actually I brought my own--"

"No, I insist" he says cutting me off

"Umm ok.." I say, he then goes to get the food

"So what's up Josh?" I ask

"Nothing much, but guess what." he says

"What?" I ask

"I got a date with Stephanie" he says smiling. He's liked Stephanie since 5th grade.

"Wow! that's great I'm so happy for you." I say

"So when's the date?" I ask excitedly

"Tonight." he replies

"Awesome, but if she hurts you..."

"I know, you'll beat her up." he says smiling. Josh has been my best friend since birth, our parents are very close.

"So what's up with you and Cameron?" he says nudging me and winking

"Nothing, I'm just showing him around" I reply laughing at the thought of me and him

"Yeah sure" he says laughing, Cameron comes back and asks us what we're laughing about, and we reply with a nothing and keep laughing.

"Yeah ok, you guys are weird but I like you." he says smiling

"Thanks" we say in sync. The end of lunch bell rings, and it's over.

"Hey, Cameron what's your next class?" Josh asks him

"'s world cultures." he replies

"Oh sweet, that's my next class." he says High-5ing him

"Well we should get going, see you later Ri" Josh says while kissing my forehead as always

"See ya later, sweetheart" Cameron says winking, wow he likes winking

"Don't call me that!" I say

"Fine, see ya later, munchkin" he replies laughing. Wow, munchkin, he's lucky because he is way taller then me.

"Yeah, whatever." I say, slightly missing sweetheart...

Hope you awesome people liked it.. I see good things for this story...~~yours truly, Lara

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