New girl and hard chests

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*Riley's POV*

Today was dress fitting day, I guess I'm excited but then again kinda nervous. Cameron's gonna be here, and I don't wanna look ridiculous in front of him. Honestly I really like him, but I'm still not sure how he feels. I get dressed and look at the time, it's 12:30. The dress rehearsal doesn't start until 3:30, I got time. I go downstairs and find Dylan about to go somewhere.

"Hey Dyl, where you going?" I ask.

"Hey, I'm going to the café." He replied.

"Oh, can I come?"

"Yeah, sure."

We hop into his Jeep Grand Cherokee and head out.

"So, what's up bro?" I say.

"Nothing much, I hear Cameron's coming to the rehearsal today." He says smiling.

"Yeah he is... what's with the grin?"

"You like him a lot don't you?" he asks.

"Yeah, I really do. But enough about me, how come you haven't brought any new girls home lately?"

"That was the old me, I kinda just want to have a girlfriend, you know, like someone I can bring home to meet my parents and someone for the long-run." He answers.

"Yeah, I know what you mean."

He parks the car in front of the café and we go inside. I get a table and we sit. We order coffees and settle down. We continue to talk about a bunch of stuff and finish our coffees. He gets up to throw our cups away and bam!

"Oh. My. God! I am so sorry." A girl yells.

I guess she was a new employee, because she bumped into him and spilled two hot cups of coffee right on him. When she tries to pick them up, she slips on the liquid and falls right on top of him. I can't help but burst out into laughter.

"Haha very funny." He retorts.

"Oh my I'm Sooo sorry." She says once again.

Dylan puts on his "cute" smile and goes on and says..

"It's fine."

Wow. He is one smooth guy, or so he thinks. He takes a seat, and the girl follows him with a rag.

"I'm such an idiot." She says wiping him off. Which is actually kinda weird if you think about it, I mean a girl you just met rubbing a rag on your thigh...

"No you're not, it was totally an accident." Dylan replies.

"Ah, and I'm sorry to you for being all on your.. boyfriend." She says to me.

I laugh.

"Woah, he's not my boyfriend." I say back.

"Oh well sorry haha, I'm Cassandra." She introduces to both of us

"Well I'm Dylan, and that's my soon to be step-sister slash bestie Riley." Dylan says smiling.

"Nice to meet you guys, have I seen you guys around? You look familiar. "

She says

"Depends on where you hang out." Dylan says.

"I go to Elmore High."

"We do too" He replies

I get kinda bored of these two lovebirds so I go on my phone to play Subway Surfers, man I love that game. But something else gives me a surprise.

It's currently 3:25 and the place is at least thirty minutes away.

"Ok guys, I hate to interrupt but, Dylan it's 3:26 we need to leave now." I say.

"Oh crap! Yeah sorry Cassandra we do have to leave." He says.

We start out the doors and he stops.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Hey Cassandra, come with us." He says

"Dylan! You just met her" I whisper.

"Yeah sure, I'll come." She says smiling

"Ok great."

We go in the car and I get booted to the backseat. I look on my phone and Cameron texted me saying he made it to the place. Great. My date made it there before me. Dylan drives to the place and we run inside and I see my mom and her anger.

"Where have you two been!?" She yells.

"Mom, I can explain." I say.

"I'm all ears!" She replies angrily.

"Ok, so me and Dylan went to get coffee, then that girl over there (I point to Cassandra) spilled coffee on him, then I played Subway Surfers and we lost track of time. Mom I'm sorry!" I say in a matter of 15 seconds. I need to catch my breathe and calm down.

"Ok, well everyone's here, so get your dress on now." She orders shooing me off.

Dylan tries to follow me with Cassandra and is stopped by my mom, and his dad.

"Not so fast young man." I hear.

I start laughing and sticking my tongue out him. I can see him trying his hardest not to burst out laughing. I start walking backwards and bump into something really hard. I turn around and see Anthony in a tux.

"Sorry." I say walking away

He tried to say something but I kept walking. I start walking fast and I bump into another hard chest.

"Hey." Cameron says smiling down at me

"Hey." I reply giving him a hug

"What's the hurry?" He asks

"Nothing now." I say

"Where have you been?" He asks

"Let's just say it's been a strange morning, but I'm glad you came." I reply smiling up at him.

Hoped you guys liked this chapter!! I see a spark with Dylan and Cassandra. is it just me?? Well how about Ri and Cam?!! Yaaas am I right!!

Don't forget to comment and vote!!

Your soulmate~~ Lara

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