When things go wrong

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*Riley's POV*

Mom came storming into my room. My first thoughts were, Uh Oh!

"Riley Cooper! I can't believe this!" She yells

I didn't open my eyes yet because I figured she would be steaming with anger. I flopped to my right side and didn't feel that same warmth from last night.

"Riley! I can't believe you're not awake yet. I told everyone to be up by 7:00 a.m! It's now 7:45!" She continues

Holy crap! I thought she was mad about Cameron staying the night. I open my eyes, he wasn't here.

"Sorry mom won't happen again." I say still in my sleepy morning voice.

"Today is the day of the wedding! You need to get dressed,we need to pick up the clothes, we all need to get our hair done, make sure the caterers do everything right. Oh my! Hurry up we must leave in 15 minutes!" She finishes before storming out.

I found a note next to my pillow. It read:

Hey Sleepy head, sorry I left early, I would've stayed but I had to get to work. ~Love Cam

Ps. I forgot to tell you I got a job at the pizzeria. :)

I finished reading note and smiled. I love how he thought to write a note so I wouldn't get worried. I hop out of bed and head into the shower. Once i'm done I decide to wear some sweatpants and a tank top. The dresses were still at the place, so we had to hurry up and get them. Once all of us are ready, mom and all of us (except Andrew) drive to the suit and dress place.

Mom gets all the stuff and we finally make our way to the wedding venue. Everyone piled out of the car and into the place. My seatbelt got stuck so I was last one out, and in my family, last one out of the car has to carry Taylor. Man, this little guy is already 10 lbs. I carry him into the place and meet the hairdressers. Mom wanted all the bridesmaids to have their haired curled so here goes nothing.

~1 hour later~

I'm finally done with my hair, now all I need is he dress and I am Done. The ceremony starts at 12 sharp and it's 9:30, I got plenty of time to kill.

*Cameron's POV*

Ok, I need to fix my hair, and put on my tux. It's only 9:30 so I can go back to sleep and get ready.

~2 hours later~

My phone rings, immediately waking me up.

"Hello?" I ask

"Dude, where are you the ceremony starts in thirty minutes." Josh says from the other line

"Oh shit! I overslept." I say aloud

"You better hurry up." He says hanging up

Crap! Now I don't have time to fix my hair. I run into the bathroom and brush my teeth. I rush to put my tux on and head out the door. This place is at least an hour away. There's no way I can make it on time.

*Riley's POV*

Man, where is Cameron? He should've been here already. The ceremony has started and he was supposed to walk with me. My mom, and Andrew are now announcing their vows. Suddenly the doors make a creaking noise and they are opened. Everyone turns their heads and of course it's Cameron. He walks in and sits down in the back. Now that the noise is over, the priest continues and says "You may now kiss the bride."

Once the ceremony is done we head to the cocktail party. I pull Cameron aside.

"Cameron, what the hell? You were supposed to walk with me, and you come 45 minutes late." I say trying to sound angry.

"I'm sorry, I overslept. Look I didn't even have time to fix my hair." He says pointing to his head. It causes me to crack a smile, I can't stay mad at him. My mom comes over and pulls me aside to talk.

"Riley, that boy of yours caused quite a scene." She says in her mad voice

"Mom I'm sorry, and he's sorry. He overslept and he didn't mean to." I reply

Cameron walks over and apologizes to my mom personally. It went better than expected. After all that all of us go to the dance floor and have some fun. The Dj then plays a slow song, and me and Cam dance together. Once we got tired we got something to drink.

The next thing I see are fists going right into Cam's face. It was Anthony.

"What the fuck!" He yells

"I told you to stay away from her!" Anthony shouts

They break out into a full on brawl. People are screaming, and scattering.

All I see is bloody noses, and Anthony's arm looks dislocated.

"Stop it!!" I yell

Here's a hint, they don't stop. It takes three huge bouncers to pull them off of each other. But damn, their suits were torn, Cam had a huge cut on his right arm, Anthony's nose was bleeding, and bruises all over both of them. The bouncers carry them outside and I run to Dylan and Josh.

"This is bad guys." I say

"Hell yea it's bad, but it was quite entertaining." Dylan says laughing.

I punch him in the arm, the next thing I see is a very angry mother coming towards me.

"Riley that's the last straw! I forbid you to see that boy again!" She yells

I run after her, managing to trip in these heels.

"Mom wait! C'mon Anthony threw the first punch, Cam was just defending himself." I say

She keeps walking without acknowledging me. I figured cuz when she's mad it's like talking to a brick wall. I see police lights and they put Anthony and Cam in the back seat. That's when things got worse.



How was thAAAAAt for a chapter??

Hoped you guys liked it 😁😁😁.

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Stay awesome guise~~~Lara

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