Hello, Goodbye

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This was the day, February 1st. The day my dad would leave, going all the way from California to Australia. I guess I should have seen it coming, mom and dad's relationship has been pretty rocky. But, I didn't see it coming this close.

"Riley!" My mom yells

"Hurry up, your dad's cab is here." She finished

"Coming!" I reply.

I walk down the stairs, everyone's here.

Dad and his suitcases, Jason and Jonathan, and mom. I think that she's taking it pretty bad. I jump into my dads arms and say my goodbyes. At this point I'm in tears. I won't see him for another 2 years. Mom's also crying.

"Bye you all." My dad says walking out

"Bye dad." We reply

I take one last look and that was it. The driver drove away taking dad with him.

"Kids, tonight you guys are gonna have to stay at friends house, I will be with Mr. Montgomery." My mom says

"Why are you gonna be with him?" Jason asks

"And c'mon mom, I'm 18 don't you think I'm old enough to stay here by myself." I say

"We are having dinner." Mom says to Jason

"And, I suppose you are, but Jason and Jonathan can stay at Andrews." She finishes

I nod my head to her, and walk up to my room, which won't really be my room anymore. I notice my pile of homework that I have yet to do, and decide to do it later, it's Saturday anyway. I see my phone light up from across the room and answer it.

"Hello?" I ask

"Hey." Cameron says on the other line

"What are you doing tonight?" He asks

"Uhh, my mom is going to dinner, and my brothers are staying at a friends house so I'll just be here." I answer

"Ok, well I'll be coming over with... a little surprise."

"Uh ok?" I say

"Yea so how's 7 pm?" He asks

"Yeah, that's fine." I reply

"Ok, see you then." He says hanging up.

I take a shower, so I can be clean when he comes here. By the time I'm done, it's 5:30pm. I get started on my homework. It's mainly French and History. If you're wondering, we aced that French project, me and Jamie did a poster about our topic, and Jonathan dressed up as a French fry. I absolutely hate high school homework, it takes like 4 hours to finish it, depending on what you have. Luckily for me I finished in an hour. By the time I'm finished I'm starving. I walk downstairs and head to my kitchen. Everyone's already gone out so if I burn the house, it's my fault.

I decide to play it safe and make leftover pizza. I eat my pizza and it was good, but nothing compared to New York pizza. I went there last summer and it was amazing.

*ding dong*

I hear the bell ring and it's most likely Cameron. I walk to answer it but when I open the door no one was there. I look down and see a super cute chihuahua just sitting there.

"Aww, where did you come from little guy." I say

"Surprise!" Cameron yells from the bushes almost giving me a heart attack.

"What the hell Cam!" I yell

"Did I scare you?" He asks smiling

"Yes, but who's dog is this?" I ask

"Yours." He answers


"Yeah, I figured since your dad left today I got you a new friend." He answered smiling.

"Ahh really!" I yell running into his arms for a hug. I've always wanted a dog.

"So, you like it?" He asked

"Yes!" I say picking the dog up

"What's his name?" I ask


"Wow that's so cute." I say

I let them both in the house and into the living room.

"So, where'd you get him from?" I ask

"My sister's dog had a bunch of babies so she let me have one."

"Cool." I say

We chose to play with Leo, my new adorable dog. I started out today really upset about my dad leaving, but Cameron made me feel better. I think

what they say is true, every hello ends with a goodbye. But I've decided to change it, every hello ends with a goodbye but it's not always forever.

Hey y'all!!! Sorry about not updating yesterday, school is absolutely driving me nuts. But don't worry, I got you fellow peeps. So, what are your guys thoughts on Riley's mom and Dylan and Deena's dad??? Do you see a spark... Comment, Read, and Vote. It really helps us out, and really makes us think you enjoy our stories. And if you like this story, make sure you definitely check out I'm in love with me enemy if you haven't already. Anyways, peace and love, stay awesome.~~~ Sergeant Lara out...

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