Fights aren't fun

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This morning I woke up in an awkward position with a puddle of drool by my side. I guess I was tossing and turning a lot last night. I ate eggs and pancakes for breakfast, and now I'm trapped in school. In other news, Taylor is coming from the hospital today, and Jason moved into my room last night. I sit in class with my head down, I got little to no sleep last night, thanks to Jason's chainsaw snoring.

"Riley, pick your head up." The Civics teacher says aloud. I pick my head up slowly, but unhappily. I hear laughing but ignore it.

"Now back to the electoral system." She says

I put my head back down for the rest of the class. Once it's finally over I walk out and head to my locker. And I see a very blonde girl wearing heels, aka the school slut Molly, come toward me.

"Riley, right?" She asks

"Yeah." I answer stuffing books in my locker

"Ok Riley, I'm gonna need you to stay away from Cameron Schmitt."

"Why?!" I bite back

"Because, he's next on my list." He says proudly

"And by mean?" I ask


"Well, I'm sure he doesn't want to be your boyfriend."

"Look, every boy in this school wants to be my boyfriend." She says flipping her hair.

"All I'm saying is, stay away from him or we're gonna have a problem." She states walking away.

I hate egotistical girls who think they're the absolute shit. I walk away from my locker and I'm joined by Josh.

"Hey Josh." I say

"Why was queen bitch talking to you?" He asks

"Oh, she just told me to stay away from Cameron because he's next on her slut list."

"Wow, don't listen to her." He says

"Yeah I have no plans on that."

We find Cameron skipping class, and catch up with him.

"Hey Cam." I say

"Hey guys." He replies

We hang out together until lunch, we meet up with Stephanie, Josh's girlfriend (yup he finally asked her out) ,Jamie, Jason, and Jonathan.

I ate a burrito for lunch, and yes it was so good. Thanks to Cameron, I broke my vegetarian diet last week. I forgot how good meat tastes. After lunch I walk back to my locker. To be greeted by an angry looking Molly.

"I told you to stay away from him." She says

"Yeah, I don't take orders from you." I


Suddenly she shoved me, ok she's asking for it. Good thing Jason's on the wrestling team and taught me how to fight. I pull her hair back causing her to fall.

"You Bitch!" She yells causing attention, which is exactly what I was trying to avoid.

Next thing you know she tackled me on the floor. I get her off and punch her straight In the face, (don't punch people in the face, I'm pretty sure I just broke my hand) My hand makes a cracking sound and we both scream out in pain. But I'm not done, no one asks for a fight and doesn't get what they want. I then pull her hair with my other hand and she scratches my face. Two teachers come out and have to pry me off of her. She comes out with her make-up smeared and a bloody nose, I come out with a broken hand. It's by far the most pain I've ever felt in my life. The teacher calls 911 and I'm on my way to the hospital, good thing they got me off her, because if they didn't I'd be on my to jail. They take me to the same hospital that Taylor's in. Looks like he'll be leaving before me. I walk into the room with a doctor, and he asks what happened.

"I punched a girl in the face, her nose job broke it." I say

"Don't worry I'll have you in a cast in about an hour." He says. He walks out the room, and Mr. Montgomery walks in.

"Riley! Are you okay?" He asks in a concerned voice

"Well my hand is broken, but other than that I'm peachy, how'd you know to come?" I ask

"The school called your mom, but she was cleaning the baby room, when she called me I rushed here from work." He answered

"Thanks Mr. Montgomery." I say

"Call me Andrew."

10 minutes later, the doctor walks back in and says I'll have to stay the night.

Andrew walks out, and the nurses get a cast ready. About 30 minutes later, I have a red cast on my right hand, good thing I'm left handed.

If there's anything I've learned this week, Fight's Aren't Fun.

Sup dudes and dudettes hope you liked this chapter, pretty crazy huh?

Thank you so much for reading it helps me out and makes me think you really like it!!! Keep calm and stay awesome my friends.~~~~ Lara

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