Wedding plans

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*Riley's POV*

"Riley! Jonathan! Jason! Deena! Dylan! Come downstairs!" Mom yells snapping me out of my unconsciousness.

Jeez, it's already noon, I don't even remember coming to bed last night.

Wait..., Ooh that's right! We got arrested last night and and and Dylan were so tired we just went upstairs and to our rooms. I get off the bed, and go in my bathroom. I take a look in the mirror and holy crap, my hair is a goddamn mess. I brush my hair, and then my teeth. I walk downstairs and I'm welcomed to a whole kitchen with good smelling things.

"Morning, mom." I say giving her a hug.

"Morning sweetie." She replies.

Suddenly everyone comes down the stairs and walk in the kitchen.

"Morning mom. " Jonathan and Josh say.

"Morning..umm--." Dylan and Deena say.

"You guys can call me mom, or Amy." She says.

"I like mom better." Dylan says smiling.

"I'm good with Amy." Deena says.

You can tell she really misses her mom.

"Well that's fine, now kids come take a seat in the dining room and we discuss the wedding plans." She says.

"Uhhh, wedding plans. Really mom." Jason says in his annoyed voice.

"Yes Jason, the wedding is only a few months away, and we need to prepare." She answers.

We all walk into the dining room and take our seats. Mom walks in with the breakfast and takes a seat for herself. Andrew walks in and kisses my mom, then he greets us.

"So honey, we're about to discuss the wedding plans with the kids." Mom says.

"Sounds great!"

"Alrighty then, ok so Jason, Jonathan, and Dylan will be the groomsmen, and Riley, and Deena shall be the maids of honor." She says.

"Hey mom, can I bring Jamie?" Jonathan asks.

"Of course, all of you may bring one guests if you want."

Yes! That means I can bring Cameron. Not that I really want to or anything...

"Ok so the dress and suit fitting is this Saturday so all of you have to be there." She said in her serious voice.

"Alright alright, don't worry mom we'll all come through." Jason said.

"Riley can even bring her little boyfriend along." Jonathan teases.

"Oh yes, Cameron's a little sweet heart bring him on Saturday. He can help you try on dresses."

"Yea sure, can I be excused?" I asked.

"Well ok, hurry back." mom replied.

I ran upstairs and told Cam he could come to the fitting, and wedding. He actually seemed excited. I went back downstairs and mom told everyone the fittings were tomorrow, wow that was late notice. After we all finish my mom said,

"Oh Riley, I almost forgot to tell you, my old college friend and her son Is coming to the wedding and her son happens to go to your school."

"Cool, what's his name?" I ask.

"Oh it's Anthony Scali." She answers.

Oh my god. Anthony is going to the wedding.

*Cameron's POV*

I wake up to a text from Riley. It said I could come to the dress fitting and wedding. Wow her mom must really like me. It sounds fun though, I'll get to see Riley in a beautiful dress she'll look great. But I still need to figure out who bailed us out, and has been sending me threats. I might need some help though, I'm sure Dylan and Josh can.

I'll call them and tell them what's been going on. I called them and told them to meet me at the village, It's basically the main hangout for the high schoolers. I get my car keys and head out.


I make it there and we meet up.

"Hey guys, so there's been something going on." I say

"What's up man?" They ask

"So I've gotten these letter from someone anonymously and it's saying to stay away from Riley or else. And this was the same person who bailed us out last night." I explained.

I showed them the letters and they seemed just as baffled as I was.

"Why would someone do this? Dylan asked.

"Beats me, but I need your guys help." I say.

"Ok, what?" They asked.

"We need to find who this person is."

"Yea!" Josh yelled a little too excitedly because we got way to many stares from the people across from us.

"Your such a weirdo man." Dylan says as he shoves Josh over a little bit. Their going to be the best bros. They get along so well.

"Why you so quiet man?" Dylan asks looking up.

"Oh nothing serious." I say pushing him off. "We going to find a solution or not?"

"Ok ok so first part of plan shall be..."

Aye hoped you liked it so sorry we haven't updated in forever!

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