The Dinner

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*Riley's POV*

I can't believe dad's leaving this week.

I'm gonna miss him a lot. But tonight we're having dinner with dad's work friend and his kids, he's also mom's college buddy. I wonder who he is, I've never met him or anything, but I've heard good things.

"Riley, get ready soon, And wear something nice!" My mom yells from downstairs

Suddenly Jonathan bursts into my room.

"Hey, I need your help." he says

"With what?" I ask

"Uhh... condoms?" He says

"What!?" I ask

"C'mon, I know mom gave you a bunch last month, and let's be serious we all know you haven't used them." He says laughing

"Whatever, why do you need condoms anyway?" I ask

"Well...just incase, you know me and Jamie are getting kinda serious."

"Yeah, sure." I reply handing him condoms that I had.

"Thanks sis." He replied walking out

I look in my closet for something decent to wear. Most of my clothes consist of skinny jeans and graphic tees. I guess I'll have to wear the dress mom got me for special occasions. It's a silver mini dress that ended at my knees. I would never actually wear this unless I had too, I suppose it's about time I had too. I get the dress out of my closet, and next thing you know Jason bursts in.

"Ri, I need your help!" He exclaims

"I'm not giving anyone else condoms!" I reply

"What? No, I need help sabotaging this dinner." He says

"Why would you want to sabotage this dinner?" I ask

"Because, this guys son stole my girl."

"Who's his son?" I ask

"Dylan Montgomery." He answers

Oh my.

"Now are you gonna help or not?"

"No way, Dylan is cool." I say

"And what girl?" I ask

"Only the hottest girl ever, Natasha Goodwin." He says

"And she is...?"

"She's a senior." He replied grinning

"Well, I'm sure a senior wouldn't want a sophomore."

"Whatever, the point is I need to get back at him." He says

"Well I'm not helping."

"Ugh, fine I'll do it myself." He says walking out

"Don't do anything stupid!" I yell

I hop in the shower and take my time.

Once I'm finished I do my hair, then I can put on the dress. By the time I'm done with everything, mom tells me to come down. I make my way down and take a seat on the couch. About 5 minutes later, the doorbell rings. My mom opens the door, and there they are, Mr. Montgomery, Dylan, and Deena. I notice Jason run out of the kitchen, and to my side. He then gives me the 'glance'. You know, the look you're sibling gives you that basically says "I just did something, and if I get caught cover me". I'm starting to get that look a lot recently.

"Welcome." My mom and dad say to the guests

"Hey." Me and Jonathan say. And all they get from Jason is a blank stare.

My parents lead us to the dinner table and we all take a seat. I'm in between Jason and Jonathan, and Dylan is sitting right in front of me. My mom starts bringing out the food while my dad and Mr. Montgomery have small talk. I start to see killer grins from Jason, and Jonathan. Something tells me they both know something I don't.

Once the food is brought out we all start digging in. Then out of nowhere, Dylan starts breathing really hard.

"Dylan are you alright?" My mom asks

"Hot! Hot!" He yells

I then pull the 'I just dropped my napkin under the table' and drag Jason with me.

"What did you do?" I whisper

"Oh I just added super hot sauce to his dish, nothing major."

I go back on the surface and I see Dylan taking sips of his drink like it was the last one on earth. It looks as if it makes it worse. I take a glance at Jason and he mouths the words 'and his drink too'.

I immediately give Dylan my glass and he sips it, making him feel better.

"Thanks." He says

After all the commotion died down, our parents started talking again, and me and Dylan went in the kitchen.

"Sorry about all that, my brother thought it would be funny." I say

"It's fine" He says laughing

"So how are you and Cameron?" He asks

"Oh we're ok now, he apologized." I answered

"Good, but if he slips up again, I'll handle it." He says sincerely

"Thanks Dylan." I say

"Dylan, come on now we're getting ready to go." His dad says

We walk to where they are and say our goodbyes. When they leave I go upstairs and into my room. To be surprisingly greeted by...Cameron.

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"I was bored." He replies smiling

"You could've called me." I answer

"Well I wanted to see you."

They rest of the night we just watched movies and relaxed. It was one of the best nights I've had in a long time.

Heyyyyy! Hope you guys liked this one. Thanks so much for 30 reads by the way. Love you peeps.~~~ Lara

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