Delivery Day

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*2 weeks later*

I lay my head down in history class, good thing my desk is in the back.

Why do we need to learn about dead people who are irrelevant I'm today's day and age? I mean when am I actually gonna need this in my everyday life?? It's so pointless. I start to nod off, but the next thing I hear is...


Someone was banging on lockers too, and It came from the hallway, it sounded a lot like Josh.


There it goes again only this time that sounded like Cameron...Oh Wait! I totally forgot, that's me and Josh's way of saying, 'something important is happening!' What can be important now? The teacher walks out into the hallway and brings them into the room.

"What on earth were you doing?!" She yells

I notice Josh wink his left eye at me, and for me and him that means code 911. Wow, now that I think of it, Josh and I have a lot of best friend code. We can say something without having to say it.

"Uhh Ms. Reynolds I need to go to the bathroom!" I blurt out to get her attention away from them.

"Riley, I'm busy, and that's no way to ask." She answers

She stays looking at me but I peer my eyes towards Josh. He starts hand motioning out the door, makes a circle around stomach, and a screaming face. What the hell?

"Riley?" She asks

"Oh sorry, may I use the bathroom?" I ask

"Go ahead." She says turning back to the boys

I walk towards them and hear Josh whisper,

"Good luck."

What is he talking about? I walk out the door and see someone in the distance running towards me, Dylan.

"Dylan, can you please tell me what the hell is going on?" I ask

"Your mom's water broke, and she's in the hospital with my dad." He answered

"What?!" I yell

"Yeah, we need to leave now." He says

"What about Jason and Jonathan?" I ask

"They're already there."

"Oh ok, and how did you know?"

"Well, your mom called my dad when it happened so he drove her to a hospital, and then he called me to tell you and bring you here. I didn't know what class you were in so i found Josh and Cam, and told them to find you for me." He answered

"Good idea." I say

"Yeah, I have my moments." He says smiling. We walk out the school, and hop in his car.

"You know how to get there right?" I ask

"Uhh well, I think it's somewhere downtown." He says uncertainly

"You think!" I yell

"Yeah, my dad didn't give me all the details."

"Great, so let's find the nearest one, it can't be too far." I say

"Yeah good idea." He replies

*20 minutes later*

"Oh my gosh! Can't we just call him again?" I ask

"Nope, no cellphones in delivery room." He answered

"Wait...what's that huge building over there?" I ask

"That looks like it could be a hospital." He says

"Ok let's check it out."

We pull into the parking lot and run inside, turns out it was a hospital. We

run inside.

"Hi! We need to see a patient called Amy Cooper." I say

"Are you family?" She asks

"Yes." I reply hastily

"Ok right this way." She says taking us down a long hall that smells like hand sanitizer and latex gloves.

"She's right in there." she says pointing to the room, and walks away

"Thank you." I say

Dylan stops in his tracks.

"I'll wait out here, you know, I'm not family." He says

I grab his hand.

"You are now, c'mon." I say pulling him into the room

"Mom!" I say when I see her

"Hey dad." Dylan says. I see Mr. Montgomery give him a look that says

'Thank you'. I think he really cares for me mom.

About 15 minutes later, I start crying happy tears to see he came out. 6 lbs 8 oz, my mom hands him to me, and I hold my baby brother.

"What are you going to name him?" Jason asks

"I think ill name him...Taylor."

Hi peeps, sorry I took so long to update. It literally got deleted twice and I had to retype it. Anything for you guys though. Hope you liked this chapter it was pretty fun (other than having to redo it twice). Anyways stay awesome, Lara out~~~~~~~

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