Awkward Brunch

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I suddenly woke up to crying, I guess Taylor's up. I climb off my bed, and fall on something.

"Jason! What are you doing on the floor?" I ask getting off him.

"Huh?" He asked in a sleepy tone.

"What are you doing on the floor?!" I repeat.

"Oh, I was watching Taylor all last night and I think I sleepwalked back in here." He says.

"I thought you outgrew your sleepwalking." I state .

"Yeah me too."

I run into the baby's room and pick up Taylor. I bounce him up and down in my arms.

"Shhh, shhh." I say quietly.

My mom walks in and takes him.

"Hey mom." I say.

"Good morning sweetheart, I suppose that Cameron left last night." She says.

"Yeah." I say.

"How come you didn't tell me about you two?" She asks causing me to panic.

Think Riley. Think! uhhh...

"Well, you see... I didn't wanna distract you from Taylor and Mr. Montgomery." I say surprising myself with my answer. For once I didn't sound like a complete idiot when lying.

"Alright. And speaking of Andrew, we will be going for brunch along with Dylan and Deena." She states.

"Uhhh mom--" I pause.

"What is it Ri?"

"Are you Andrew dating now or something?" I ask.

"Well, if you put a label on it I suppose yes. But why are you asking?"

"Well, ever since dad left, you've been with him non-stop." I answer.

"Honey, I didn't tell you this sooner because I thought you would react angrily, but your father and I had been having problems. He-- he cheated on me with the secretary at the school, and Andrew was there with me the whole time."

I'm shocked. My dad was anything but a cheater. I guess I didn't know him well then. I give mom a hug.

"Sorry mom." I say.

"It's fine..., now go get ready we will be going soon, wake your brother, and invite Cameron if you want." She says walking off.

Wow I'm shocked that she wants Cameron there. I guess she does want to know more. I walk to Jonathan's room to see him still sleeping. I decide to do this the fun way. I jump on the bed he's on and crush him.

"Owww!" He yells.

"What the hell?" He asks

"Wake up bro, we're going to brunch."

I say shaking him.

"Ok ok I'm up!" He states annoyed.

Mission Accomplished. I walk to me and Jason's room. He's still on the floor, guess he fell back asleep after I fell on him. I shake him until he gets up and tell him what's going on. He gets up and I call Cameron. Once he answers I ask him if he wanted to go, he said yes. I tell him to come over in another 20 minutes and I hop in the shower.

*15 minutes later*

I get out the shower and get ready. The doorbell rings and I tell Jonathan to answer it because it's Cam. He walks downstairs and starts talking. It kinda looked like he was sizing him up. Surprisingly, Jonathan was taller than him being 6'4 feet, my dad is really tall. So I still wonder how I'm my size. Jonathan is taller than Jason too. I walk downstairs and grab Cameron.

"Riley tell Jason to hurry up!" My mom says from the kitchen.

Me and Cameron walk upstairs and I go into the bathroom that I now share with my brother and find him doing his hair.

"C'mon Jason, you've been in here forever." I state.

"Perfection takes time." He answers.

I grab his arm and take him down with us.

"Mom we're all ready." I say.


She walks out and and the doorbell rings for the second time. I answer it and it's the Montgomery's.

"Hey guys." I say.

"Hello." Andrew says giving my mom a hug.

"We can take my car." Andrew says.

"Yes, that would be wonderful." Mom states.

Andrew has a total of three cars, this time he brought the mini van. He and mom sat in the front, Dylan and Deena sat next to each other, and Jonathan and Jason had to sit next to each other.

You might be thinking what about you and Cameron. Well Cameron had to sit next to Taylor in his car seat and I had to sit on Cam's lap. Wow. I get in the car and sit on Cameron's lap. I look at Cameron and ask..

"What are you smiling for?"

"Oh nothing." He replies not taking the smile off his face .

"We will be going to a really nice place." Andrew says from the front .

I was okay with that, as long as the food is good. We finally make it there and he parks the car. I get out and off of Cameron.

"I think my legs are numb." Cameron says. I hit his arm and he laughs.

"I was kidding, you weigh a feather." He says.

I look to the restaurants name and it looks fancy. To the looks of it I can tell it's French. The name is Petit-déjeuner à l'étranger. Which I think means Breakfast abroad. We all walk in and sit down. The setting is really nice, there's pictures of the Eiffel Tower and the France Flag. So to start the brunch, Mom asks Cameron an array of awkward questions. Mega- Face palm.

"Don't scare the boy." Andrew says cutting in while laughing.

"I do have something to say." He says standing up.

Suddenly he gets down on one knee, and asks...

"Will you marry me?"

So now everyone except for Cameron has their mouth hanging down.

"Oh my, yes!" Mom yells.

Ok so now everyone's mouth who was open before now has bulging eyes. This is unbelievable.

"So kids, I'll be your step-dad." He

says gesturing at me, Jonathan, and Jason.

"And they're gonna be our step-brothers and step-sister" Dylan and Deena says at the same time.

"Yes" He answers .

So this is by far has been the most awkward and surprising dinner in my life.

Hope ya liked this chapter! Crazy right???? Vote comment and follow~~~~ Lara

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