I think he cares

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*Cameron's POV*

"So do you think I should tell her?" I ask Josh.

"Well maybe you can give her subtle hints." He suggested.

"Yeah, good point, that way she won't really know but she has an idea." I say.

"So when she comes back we'll do it." He said.


*Riley's POV*

I make it to the cafe and find an array of fruitcups. Josh likes all kind of them so this is a tough choice. Should I go with pineapples with peaches and kiwi, blueberries with raspberries and yogurt, or bananas with mangos and strawberries. 3 minutes later I get the banana with mangos and strawberries.

I think Josh will appreciate it because he's more of a tropical fruit kind of guy.

Wow I'm so weird! I spent like 5 minutes thinking about fruit, I need help. Anyways I make it back to the room with the boys to find them talking about something.

"Hey I'm back." I exclaim, handing Josh his fruit.

"Oh my! Ri, you picked the perfect blend of tropical fruits! I love you girl." Josh said happily. You see, I knew he was a tropical kind of guy.

"Love you too, and what were you two talking about?" I ask

"Uhhh...porn." Josh said quickly but slowly at the same time.

"Oh, boys are weird." I reply.

'They both sigh in relief as if they were hiding something.'

"Yeah so anyway...Ri you know I think you're really nice." Cameron says out of nowhere.

"And uh your hair smells really good." He speaks again.

"It's like strawberries and love." he finishes.

"Uh thanks Cam.." I say smiling at his compliments 

"Yeah and don't get me started on your hands." He says .

"There like butter and honey." He finishes again.

'Josh busts out laughing'

"Thanks Cam." I say in between laughs.

The nurse then walks in and tells us we have to leave. I wish we could've stayed longer.

"Well I'll see you soon." I say to Josh

"See you both soon." he replies

*I get a call from my mom*

"Hello?" I ask

"Honey we need you home, we have news." She says.

"Ok I'll be there soon." I reply.

"Ok, love you."

"Love you too mom, bye." I mumble while hanging up.

"Hey my mom wants me home now."I say.

"Ok we can leave now." He says.

We hop on the bus and get there pretty quick considering there was no one else on the bus. The driver let me off in front of my house, and Cam walked me too the door.

"See you tonight." He says.

"Tonight?" I ask .

"Yeah, you'll see." He replies smiling.

"Uh ok." I say.

He then hugs me tight, I hug him back.

"What was that for?" I ask.

"For being great." He replies walking away slowly.

At this point I definitely think he cares.

Hiya! Hope you human peoples liked this chapter. Hmm what do you guys think Riley's mom has to tell her???

Think about it.

Anyways stay awesome dudes and dudettes. ~~~LG (1/3)

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