Anonymous Bail

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Cameron's POV

"Oh my gosh! This is just terrible, this will go on my permanent record." Josh complains.

"Josh, we'll be fine, right Cameron?" Riley asks me.

"Yeah, I'm sure they'll let us go once they call our parents or something." I say uncertainly.

"He's right guys, we'll be fine." Dylan says reassuringly.

The police car comes to a stop and let's us all out.

"Alright, Delinquents, get your butts inside." One cop says.

"Calm down Rudy, they're just kids." The other one says.

Wow, I guess good cop bad cop is a thing. We all walk inside in a single file line, and take a seat. The next thing that happens is they actually put us in cells. What the hell.

"Hold up, I thought we were just kids, aren't you just gonna call our parents?" I ask immediately.

"Well, all of you are eighteen so you'll have to call someone, and get bailed out." He says.

"Well this is just fantastic." Josh says putting his face in his hands.

"When can we make calls?" Riley asks

"Well here's the thing, the phone lines are down right now, we called an electrician but he won't be here until an hour from now." The cop says.

"Great, now I'll have priers!" Josh yells.

I take a seat on the cold jail bed and lay down, I'm beat. What's my aunt gonna think? Oh boy, now I'm thinking about this mystery guy who wants me to stay away from Riley, I can't help but wonder who it is. Something tells me it might be that tool Anthony, he does still like her, but I have to get the facts right. Wow I'm tired... I close my eye and suddenly and I'm out like a light.

Riley's POV

Uhhhh I can't believe I've been arrested. I'm cold, I'm tired, and I just need a hug. I can only imagine what my mom will say... "Oh Riley, I raised you better I can't believe this, turns out Jonathan and Jason are the good ones--- blah blah blah". I just hope she goes easy. But I'm sure if Andrew's around she'll take it a little better. But oh my god it's, so bored in here, note to self: don't ever get arrested again.

"Alright delinquents you're out." The mean cop said suddenly.

"Huh?" I ask in confusion.

"Someone anonymously bailed you out, and I have to let you go."

"That's fantastic! On my goodness, thank you so much!" Josh says.

"Yea whatever just get out of my precinct." He says unlocking all of our cells.

Once I'm out of mine, I see Cameron's asleep, wow he looks most vulnerable when he's sleeping, it's actually so adorable. I walk into his cell and softly shake him awake.

"Huh?" He asks

"C'mon Cam, we've been bailed out, we can go home." I say slowly.

"Who bailed us out?" He asks.

"I don't know it was anonymous."

"Well whatever let's just get out of here." He says putting his arm around me as we start walking.

I take a look to my right and see Josh hugging the cop for letting him out.

"Hey! Get off me kid, before I arrest you again." He says.

I laugh, and get Josh away from the guy. We walk out and Dylan stops us.

"Wait, guys we can't tell anyone, Riley you know our parents would be beyond pissed." He says.

"He's right, we need to come up with some kind of story." I say.

"Ok, fine by me but, what?" Cam says.

"Ok well maybe we can say we found a baby, a-and we had to find it a home." Josh says.

"Uhhh, Josh you're the worst liar I've ever met." I say laughing.

"Yeah bro that was pretty bad but, how about we say the party ended late, and we got lost." Cameron suggests.

"Yeah, that's great." I say.

"Alright, so if our parents find out, don't forget..We got lost." Dylan states.

"Alright, so who's going home first?" Josh asks.

"You can send us home first." Dylan says.

"Ok then, everybody hop on into Jack." He says.

"What?" We all ask at the same time and stop walking.

"What, you guys haven't named a car?" He asked feigning laughter awkwardly.

We all bust out laughing and get in the car apparently named Jack. He drops me and Dylan off and we slowly walk inside trying to make as less noise as possible.

Cameron's POV

Josh takes the drive to my house and stops the car.

"Thanks for the ride man, I had fun." I say getting out.

"No prob, bro, but uh next time let's not get arrested." He says laughing and starts to drive off.

I unlock the front door and I head inside. I try to make little noise and walk into the kitchen, suddenly I find a note on the table. I open it and it says...

Don't say I've never done anything for you bro. But I'm warning you to stay away from her.~~~

I close the note and My heart skips a beat as I realized who bailed us from jail. I seriously need to find out who this guy is.

Hiya! Hope you liked that chapter!!!! Wow so who do you think this mystery guy is???? Comment your thoughts.

Don't forget to vote!! peace out homies~~~ Lara your favorite writer and best friend ever in the world hehe stay awesome Gotham.

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