New partners, and Confessions

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Riley pov.

*the next day*

Yesterday Anthony broke Josh's leg on purpose. I know it was on purpose too so Anthony is on my list, and if you cherish your life, You DO NOT wanna be on my list. Anyways now poor Josh is still in the hospital. Well me and Cam are visiting him today so that's good. It's also homecoming day, and that means there's always the late askers. If you don't know what I'm talking about I mean the guy who wastes the whole week trying to get money for tickets and asking her the last day. Oh, there goes two now...

Guy: "will you go to homecoming with me?"

Girl: *dramatic pause* *gasp*


It's so annoying if you ask me. I turn the corner and just my luck, two people making out on my locker.

Oh hell no, this also pisses me off. But you know me the 'lover not a fighter', I decide to let it slide. Who am I to stop the loving. Speaking of loving, I wonder where Cameron is...wait! Did I just associate loving with Cameron!??

Oh my I'm losing it, honestly. Suddenly a pair of hands cover my eyes from behind.

"Guess who."

"Hey Cameron." I say smiling.

"Hey, how'd you know it was me?" He asks .

"Well for one, that deep voice of yours." I reply.

"Oh man, that always gives it away." he says laughing.

"So what's your next class today?" he asks because, since it was homecoming day all the classes were out of whack.

"Uh..its advance chemistry." I say.

"Oh, never took you as an advanced chemist." he says teasing.

"Hey you never know." I reply laughing.

*bells rings*

"Well I'll see you at 4 to go to the hospital ok." I say

"Gotcha, wouldn't miss it for the world." he replies showing that million dollar smile. Wow Riley calm down!

I make it too Advanced chemistry and take a seat.

"Hello class today you'll need to find a partner." The teacher says aloud. Oh great! I know nobody in this class. I notice about everyone else has a partner except me.

"Does everyone have a partner?" The teacher asks. At this point, I'm kinda mad I have to work with either a total know-it-all, a total dumbass, or someone like me..a person who didn't care. I raise my hand tell him I don't have a partner, I see another girl raise her hand about it too. Well I guess that's my new partner..

"Why don't you two pair up." He says walking away.

"Hey I'm, Deena." She said smiling.

"I'm Riley." I reply smiling back.

"Ok class today you will work on an experiment you and your partner will choose, remember to use the safety utensils on your desks" The teacher says.

"Ok so whatever you wanna do we can" Deena says, yeah she's just like me. I look in the book for easy experiments and found a liking to Thermite reaction.

"How about thermite reaction?" I ask

"Oh yeah that's pretty cool." she replied, Deena is actually pretty cool.

We did the experiment and had some fun, putting aside that we had to wait outside the classroom for 15 minutes thanks to the genius boys behind us that decided to make a smoke bomb.

We got an A on the experiment and I made a new friend.

"Hey I'll see you around." She says while walking out the class.

"You too." I reply walking out as well.

It's now 4 o'clock and Cameron is meeting me by my locker. I make it to the locker and me and him head out the building. We have to take the bus to the hospital, and finally make it there by 4:30.

"You ready?" Cameron asks.

"Yeah." I reply .

We walk into the hospital and speak to the lady in the reception asking her for Josh. She then leads us to the room he's in. I've never liked being in hospitals. It bothers me and makes me think about death.

"Hey champ." I say going next to Josh's bed .

"Hey Ri, and Cam." He says smiling.

"How you feeling?" I ask.

"Well my leg hurts but other than that I'm fine." He says.

"Don't worry, Anthony got in so much trouble." I say .

"Yeah, but did the team win?" He asks

"Well, they postponed the game because their best player got injured." I reply smiling.

"Best player huh?" he asks.

"Yup, you're the glue that holds them together." Cameron says.

"Yes! I've always wanted to be the glue." Josh says laughing.

"Hey Ri, I hate to ask but can you go to the cafe and get me a fruit cup?" Josh asks. (He loves fruit cups with a passion)

"Of course I can." I reply making my way out.

*Cameron's POV*

"So dude, I kinda have something to tell you." I say.

"Yeah what's up man?" He asks.

"Well... I really like Riley." I reply waiting for his answer.

"I knew it! Jamie owes me 5 bucks" He answered excitedly.

"How did you know?" I ask.

"Isn't it obvious? The way you look at her is something special." He says.

"You think she would like me?" I ask.

"Yeah man totally you're a pretty chill dude." he replied. Josh was really a good friend to Riley and I .

"Thanks man." I say

"But if you even get the wrong idea, or hurt her in any way, I'll kill you man." He said seriously, but then lightened up and laughed.

"Yeah don't worry bro, I would never." I say joining in on the laughter.

Hi!!!!!!! Really hope you peeps enjoyed this one. Like I said before I'm trying my best to update everyday but it's like a job. Sorry about not updating yesterday I'll try my best. Definite props to Perpetual!!! (she wrote the beginning) woot woot..~~~the one and only Lara!!!

Stay awesome bros and chicas.

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