Party blues pt.2

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Cameron pov.

I'm not sure who this person is but I already can tell I don't like them. How could someone force me to stay away from Riley, the most Amazing girl ever. Right now I don't even want to think about this. How dare he threaten one of my only relatives and my girl. Well, my soon-to-be girl. Josh came around at like six to hang out for a bit before we went to get Riley. I didn't tell him though, I just couldn't. We just played Grand theft auto for two hours. Luckily he didn't realize I was trying to avoid confrontation with him until we were in the car and ready to leave. I hop in the front seat, and can't wait to see Riley, and make sure she's ok.

This joker really has it out for me being with her, but honestly I don't think I can stay away from her for too long. I still don't understand why he would do something to her or my "family". How did he even know I was adopted? I shouldn't even be thinking about this, tonight we shall party, and party we shall! I just hope I can get my mind off of this. We take the drive to Riley's new home, I still can't believe her and Dylan are gonna be step-siblings. I guess some things change. We finally make it to the house and I ring the doorbell trying to look as less anxious as possible. After I ring the doorbell it's only matter of minutes until Dylan opens the door.

"Sup bro." He says letting us in

"Where's Ri?" I ask

"She's upstairs, I'll get her." He says running up

"Hey Josh." I say

"Yeah, man?"

"Well, I'm gonna need you tonight to help me stay away from other girls, and control myself around Riley." I state slowly

"Yeah, no prob I'll be your babysitter." He says laughing

"Haha very funny, but seriously I can't screw anything up with her, I really like her, soon I'm thinking of asking her out." I say

"Well, I think it's a great idea." He said smiling

"Really? Thanks man I wasn't sure if you would approve, considering how I screwed up last time."

"It's ok I forgive and forget."

As soon as he said that, I set my eyes on the most beautiful looking girl I've seen in my life. I mean she's always beautiful but tonight she's absolutely stunning.

"H-hey Riley." I say nervously. Ugh seriously Cameron what's with the stuttering?

"Hey guys, you ready?" she asks

"Ready if you are." I say

"Oh and Dylan's gonna come, if that's ok." She says

"Yeah, fine by us." Josh says

We walk out the door and into the car, andJosh starts driving to his friends house, and something dawns on me... What if this guy shows up at the party tonight? Oh my god, if I even get the slightest idea or hint, it's going down. But, like I said, I need to control myself around Riley. I don't want her to think I'm some monster. We make it to the house and my stomach is churning. We all make our way inside and I can already tell this party is gonna be gnarly, there's spiked punch, loud music, and hella people. But if there's one thing I don't wanna do tonight, it's leaving Riley alone...

"Hey Cam, I gotta find a bathroom, so if you don't see me, I'm fine." She says

"Wait!, are you sure you don't want me to come..?" I ask

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." She says walking off.

Ok, Cameron you had one job. I guess when I said no leaving her alone, I spoke too soon.

Riley's Pov

Wow finding a bathroom in this place is way harder than I expected. There sure is a lot of people here too.

Oh my, that girl needs to put her shirt back on. Woah! Is that guy doing it for the vine?! Holy crap these people know how to party. But this is absolutely hopeless, I'm just going to ask someone. I find the closest person and tap them.

"Excuse me, do you know where the bathroom is?" I ask not realizing who I was talking too

"Riley? What are you doing here?" They ask


"Hey I guess" Hey says checking me out

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"I'm on the soccer team, remember? And well uh this is a celebration for winning the soccer game." He replies

Oh wow that totally went over my head.

"Well ok bye, I'll go so someone else." I say trying to leave that awkward scene behind. Ever since he had that fight with Cam and hurt Josh, I'm done with him.

"Wait!" He called from behind

Oh great..

"Who are you here with?" He asks

"Cameron, Josh, and Dylan." I say, which I now realize how stupid that was.

"Oh Cameron huh, well I do have some unfinished business I need to take care of with him, show me where he is." He Insists

"No way." I say walking away

This time he wasn't having it. He grabbed my wrists and pulled me back.

"Hey let go of me!" I yell

Suddenly a very strong body comes and shoves Anthony, unfortunately me as well considering his grip was strong. Last thing I remember before blacking out is I still had to pee and my arm hurts, like a lot.

Cameron's POV

I continue to look for Riley, and the next thing I see is that tool Anthony grabbing her wrists forcefully. Now this is something I will not stand. I get Josh and Dylan and walk their way. I've lost it, all self-control, and consciousness, it's like I blacked out and this anger kept going. I tackled Anthony like a bull, but... oh shit he was holding on to Riley, I look her way and thank god to see that Dylan caught her. Him and Josh take her away and now that I know she's out if harms way I go all out. I start punching him and putting all my force into it. He starts fighting back though, he punches me in the face causing me to go aback but that doesn't stop me from giving him a black eye. I hear all kinds of screams in the back, some like...

"Call the police!"

"Get him off!"

"Oh shit, where's my phone!"

Eventually two football players pry me off him, definitely with a struggle, but did. Suddenly I hear sirens, police ones, oh great. Everyone scatters and all I do is look for Josh, Dylan, and Riley. I find them in a bathroom, Riley is awake but confused. I run in there and give her a bear hug.

"Oh Cam, I missed you too but why is your nose bleeding?" She asks adorably

"It's ok." I say not letting go

The police officers run in and start talking to people. So they apparently told them everything and led them to me.

"Young man, you have the right to remain silent." He says putting me I'm handcuffs. So I guess I'm being charged for assault..

"Wait! You can't arrest him!"My friends yell

"Shall we arrest all of you?" He asked

They keep arguing and next thing you know..Me, Josh, Dylan, and Riley are sharing the back seat of a police car.

Ayeeee! hope you guys liked this chapter we're still really sorry about changing our updating says but school is so annoying am I right?!?!? But wow, Jail! Can you believe it??? Comment below your thoughts.

Don't forget to vote as well!! Please and thank you. Stay awesome readers!~~~ Lara

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