Endings Suck

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So now it's June, and the last day of school is tomorrow. I'm really nervous about graduation. I'm gonna miss all my friends too. Even though me and Josh are both going to Penn State. I'll still miss Cameron. We are staying together but long distance will be hard. He's staying in town, going to community college. I can't believe my four years are up. I've had great experiences and met amazing people. I guess every good thing has to end sometime.


*Next morning*

Today was it, today was the day I graduate high school. Part of me was ecstatic, part of me was sad. It's a great milestone in my life.

"RILEY! DYLAN! DEENA! Wake up my little graduates!" My mom yelled from downstairs

Her shouting was followed by Taylor crying. My mom sure does have a huge mouth. I got dressed and headed downstairs. She made pancakes like she did on my first day. Jonathan and Jason were the only ones not graduating today, haha.

"Are you guys excited?" mom asked

"Yes if course." We all replied

"I just can't wait to get my diploma." Dylan said

We all laughed.


*Later that day*

We were at the ceremony. Everyone came, even my dad.

They started calling off the seniors names.

"Dylan Montgomery" Our principle says first

We all clap for Dylan while he goes to get his diploma. I was so happy for him.

"Cameron Schmitt" He says

We all clapped loudly, I was proud of my boyfriend.

"Joshua Hamilton"

I clapped the loudest of course. He's been my best friend since birth. Finally, I was called.

"Riley Cooper"

As I went up, I felt everything go silent. I got my diploma and that was all the mattered in that moment. I sat back down and Cam gave me a huge bear hug.

After they finished calling all the seniors, we turned our tassels, and threw our caps in the air. What a great day. Me, Josh, Dylan, Deena, and Cam all went to lake after the party.

We all skimmed the rocks, had a lot of laughs, and tearing up moments. I'm gonna miss these guys, except Josh, of course. But we will all see each other on holidays and breaks.

"Guys I'm gonna visit all the time." I say

"Yeah, us too." They say

"I'll miss you guys so much." Cam says

"We'll miss you more."

"Friends for life?" Dylan asked

"Friends for life." I repeated

"Promise." We said (in fact)

So all the hard work payed off. Since freshman year I've worked my butt off. I've made the best friends I could ask for, literally. And I think I've definitely named my story wrong.

It shouldn't be The Misadventures of Me. It should be The Misadventures of Us.

OMG HOPED YOU GUYS LIKED OUR STORY!!!!! Can't believe it's finally over! 😭😭

We in fact have just graduates ourselves, on the the next chapter of our lives. 😏 see wut I did there 👌 lol

But you guys have been the greatest readers ever. Thanks for all the votes! we love our readers. Keep sharing our stories with ur friends and fam! Don't forget to stay awesome and nice.

~~~Lara, Perp, amber ✌️

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