Cutest babysitter ever

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I left the hospital today. My mom picked me up and took me home to meet our new baby.

"So Riley, I'm gonna need you to babysit Taylor tonight." She says

"But,why can't you?" I ask

"Andrew has reservations at the theatre and dinner after." She answered

"You've surely been hanging around him a lot lately."

I'm not calling my mom a slut or anything but, dad just left and now she's spending more time with Andrew then her own kids.

"Well, I can have friends too." She replies

We make it home, and I run inside. I head upstairs to Jason's old room and find a well decorated, light blue, baby's room, with little Taylor fast asleep.

I walk out and head to me and Jason's room.

"Hey loser" I tease

"What's up ugly." He replies laughing

"We gotta babysit tonight." I say

"Ha!, you mean You have to babysit tonight."

"What?" I ask

"Me and Jonathan are going to a party tonight, sophomores only." He answers

"Ugh, seriously, so I'm on my own with this?"

"Yup." He states walking out

I think about taking a shower now, but I would have to wrap my cast, and that's a lot of work right now so I'll leave it for later. I guess I'll go out with Josh then, I call him.

"Hey Josh, be ready in ten." I say hanging up

I get ready pretty quickly and I'm on my way out.

"I'll be back in a few." I yell walking out

I walk to his house, thankfully not far, and go to his front door. I ring the doorbell and his mom let's me in.

"C'mon in Riley sweetie." She says

"Thanks Ms. Sparks." I say stepping in.

"Josh is upstairs, you can just make your way." She replies

I walk up the stairs to Josh's room.

I open the door, and find a shirtless Josh and Stephanie, with an exception of a bra.

"Hey Josh,...and Stephanie?" I say

"Uhh, hey Ri." Josh replies

"I'll just be leaving." Stephanie says blushing, and walks out

"Wait, did you two..?" I ask gesturing to both of them

"Uh, yeah, thanks by the way." Josh says

"Thanks for what?" I ask

"Oh I used a condom I found in your room." He saying smiling

I am shocked.

"Ok so, is there anyone else I should know who took my condoms?!"

"Oh I gave one to Dylan too..." He says

"Oh, fantastic." I say sarcastically

"Well it's not like you were using them." He says grinning

"Whatever, c'mon you're worst than a girl getting ready." I say

"Where are we going?"

"We can go to the village and get some pizza." I suggested

"Yeah, good idea let me just fix my hair." He says running into the bathroom

*5 minutes later*

"Ok I'm ready" He says

"About time." I answer

We walk downstairs, and hop In Josh's car. We make it to the town and get our pizza. Him and I sit down to eat our pizza and we just talk.

"So how's your mom?" He asks

"She fine, thanks to Andrew Montgomery." I say

"Dylan's dad? What do you mean?" He asks

"She's been hanging with him nonstop since my dad left."

"She's probably just lonely and needs somebody."

"Yeah I guess."

We make it back to my house in time before my mom has a fit, and we go upstairs to the baby's room.

"He's so cute." He says

"Yeah, he's got my dad's blue eyes." I say

"He looks like you Ri." He says

"Really?" I ask


He suddenly gets a call from his mom and answers it. He had to leave because his little brother, Hayes, had a football game.

"Seeya Ri." He says

"Yeah, tell Hayes I said good luck." I say

It's about 6:00 pm and I wanna take a shower. I get a plastic bag and wrap it around my cast. I hop in and take my time. Everyone was about to leave anyway so I don't rush. About 35 minutes later I come out, with my towel wrapped around my body. I put my hair up, and walk out the bathroom.

"AHHH!" I yell

"Sorry, did I scare you?" Cameron asks laughing

"What are you doing here?!"

"I wanted to see you and your front door was open." He answered

"Well you're gonna have to step out so I can get changed." I say

"Ok sure." He winks

"Can you go check on Taylor?" I ask

He nods his head and steps out. I put on some clothes and follow to the baby's room. I step in to see Cameron playing with Taylor.

"Hey Taylor." I say in my baby voice

"He likes me more." Cameron says grinning

"We'll see about that, I'm on babysitting duty all night and your staying with me." I state

"Oh really?" He asks smiling

"Yup, and I'm a way better babysitter." I say proudly

"Whatever you say." He says

I take Taylor out of his crib and start playing with him. Too bad I'm so tired, last night was pretty crazy. I bet if I just closed my eyes, I would fall asleep...

*2 hours later*

I woke up confused, on my bed. I could've swore I passed out on the floor, playing with Taylor...wait Taylor! I run to all the rooms looking for him. I check downstairs, and smile at this sight. Cameron was feeding Taylor, I guess he didn't see me yet.

"Eat up little dude." He says sweetly

"Here comes the car..." He said making car noises

I cough to get his attention. He immediately turns and smiles.

"Hey sleepy head." He says

"Why didn't you wake me?" I asked

"Well, you looked really tired so when you fell asleep I carried you to your bed." He says


"Your welcome sweetheart, me and Taylor had some fun ourselves."

"Oh yeah?" I asked

"Yeah, we watched some Barney, then played peekaboo, then he got hungry so--"

I interrupt by giving him a tight hug, I really needed the sleep and I appreciated him doing that. He is by far the cutest babysitter ever.

Hoped you enjoyed! Awe Cam is adorable with his babysitter-ness.

Stay awesome homies.~~~#1 LG

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