New friends, and homecoming

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So we make it to class just barely, and the first announcement is about the homecoming dance. It's a thing for all grades, and it's guy ask girl so I wonder if anyone's gonna ask me, I doubt it. I keep my mind on that thought all class and before I know it, class is over. Cameron, Josh, and I decide head to lunch. We were accompanied by Stephanie, I guess her and Josh are getting pretty serious. We all sit down to eat, then I notice a new girl sitting by herself. I decide to go talk to her.

"I'll be right back, guys." I say while making my way across to her table

"Hey." I say

"Hi." She replied smiling

"Do you wanna sit with me, and my friends?" I ask pointing at my table

"Yeah, that would be cool." she says. I walk with her to our table.

"Wait, what's your name?" I ask

"Oh it's, Jamie" she says smiling

"Oh well nice to meet you Jamie." I reply

"Hey guys, this is Jamie." I say as I introduce her to everyone. They all said hey and we started asking questions, trying to keep them as non-creepy as possible.

"Where are you from?" Stephanie asks

"Florida" she replies

"Oh cool." Josh says, as the bell rings.

"Hey, what's your next class?" I ask her

"Uh, French." she answers

"Oh cool, me too." I say

"Seeya guys later" I say waving to my friends. As I'm walking away I feel a pinch on my waist, It was Cameron, and he ran the other way.

"So you like him, huh?" Jamie asks

"What, no way. Me like Cameron. Gross." I say. But have you ever got the feeling you were lying to yourself, well that's strangely what I felt.

"Yeah, ok." she replies giggling

"What?" I ask

"I can tell, by the way you look at each other." she says

"But don't worry, he feels something too." she finishes

"Wow, ok." I say laughing at her words, I mean Cameron liking me was just something unimaginable.

Cameron's Pov

So I can't help but think of Riley. She's something different, I think I might want to ask her out for homecoming. But, she would probably turn me down. She would say yes that guy Anthony before me. I can't help but feel jealous when he's around her.

Riley's POV

We went in French class and only one more class until Algebra. I can't help the feeling Anthony likes me, which is kinda weird since I'll be tutoring him later. I guess time will tell.

"Bonjour, obtenir dans des groupes de trois vous allez faire un project a propos de France." Our teacher said. Translation: Get in groups of three you will be working on a project about France. So I decide to get in a group with Jamie, and my brother Jonathan. It's actually kinda annoying that my whole family goes to school with me.

"Hey, Ri who's your friend?" He asked staring at her as if in a trance.

"This is Jamie." I say

"Hi...i don't know your name." She says

"Oh, it's Jonathan, but the ladies call me 'jonny the hottie'." He replies

"No they don't." I say laughing

"Well nice to meet you, Jonathan." she says smiling, woah did I just see a blush?! It's actually pretty weird seeing another girl blushing at your little brother.

"You guys look alike." She says pointing at us. I haven't told her he's my brother yet.

"Oh, she's my sister, but don't worry she doesn't bud into my love life." he says winking at her.

"What love life?" I ask giggling

"No help, sis." he replies. Ok this is getting weird now, let's get to this French work.

"So guys, what should our project be on?" I ask changing the mood.

"Oh, I totally think it should be on French food." Jonathan says. It's actually pretty funny that he eats like an animal, but doesn't gain any weight, I'm quite jealous of his great metabolism.

"Yeah, me too." Jamie says in agreement about the food.

*bells rings*

"Well we can discuss more on this tomorrow see you guys later." I say waving at them. I start walking down the hallway, and see Jamie trying to catch up.

"Your brother is cute." She says smiling

"Gross." I reply

"What's your next class?" She asks

"Algebra." I reply sighing

"Oh ok well here's my number just incase." She says handing me a piece if paper.

"Thanks, I'll see you later." I say walking off into algebra class. The first thing I notice is Anthony, and how his expression changed when I walked in the room.

"Hey" He said

"Hi." I smiled

"So, do you get this." He asks pointing to our book

"Oh yeah, you just have to find x by multiplying y and t." I reply

"Oh, thanks" He says smiling, showing his cute dimples. The teacher walks in and starts the lesson. 1 hour and a thousand variables later, class is finally over. When me, and Anthony walk out I get a text from, Cameron, and I smile.

'Don't do anything you don't wanna do'

It read. I actually appreciated his thought. We walked into the library and started working. Another hour and a thousand more variables later, we finished.

"Thanks, so much." he said

"Your welcome." I replies with a smile

"So..uh..Riley, I was wondering, would you maybe wanna go to homecoming, with me?" He asks smiling, leaving me frozen and speechless.

Hope you peeps liked this chapter, I know I did! Am I right??? Anyways, stay awesome!!! And who's your OTP, is it Camey or Anley??

Keep reading, voting, and commenting!!

(1/3) Lara

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