Breaking and Entering

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I can't fall asleep at all, there's just something about hospitals. I wonder why they even kept me here, they already put the cast on so I don't get it.

I decide to get up, I look at the clock and it read 12:30 am. I climb off the bed and walk out, silently shutting the door. I walk down the hall and find no one there, that's strange. Most of the lights are off too, now that's really strange.


Oh my god what was that?! This can't be happening, I'm in a hospital with a broken arm, no one's here, and most of the lights are off. This is my worst nightmare.


There it goes again, even louder.

I suddenly see a figure climbing through the window.

"Riley?" They ask

"Who is that?" I ask

"It's us."

They walk to where it's light, and there they are, Cameron, Josh, Dylan, and Jamie.

"What the hell are you guys doing?"

"They wouldn't let us visit you earlier, so we came now." Cam said

"It's called breaking and entering, and You almost have me a heart attack." I complain

"Sorry" They say

"Well let's get this party started."

"Are you kidding? This is a hospital, I have a broken hand that still hurts, and there's other patients here." I say

"Then, let's go somewhere no one will here us." Josh says

"What about the cafeteria?" Jamie states

"Well I suppose, but--"

"C'mon let's go." Cam says grabbing my hand while running.


"Do you even know where it is?" Dylan asks

"Uhh...No." He answers

"Well you could've said that 10 minutes ago when we weren't running into oblivion." Dylan says

"Great, now were lost in a dark hospital, this is awesome." Josh says sarcastically

"Don't worry, it'll be fine." Jamie says calmingly

"Does anyone know if this place is haunted or not?" Josh asks

"I heard a lot people died here a long time ago, but it's just a story." Cam says

"Oh great, if I see one shadow that's not any of yours, I'm hauling ass." Josh states

We all laugh.

"Guys seriously, where are we?" I ask

"I have no idea."

"Hey! Who's there?!" A security guard in the distance yells

"Oh crap!" We say while running the opposite direction

"We're screwed." Josh says

"Not if I get us out of this." Cam replies

We turn the nearest corner, and find a janitor's closet. We all cramp inside and stay quiet.

"You can run, but you can't hide!" The guard states.

"Silly hooligans." He mumbles walking the other way

"Is he gone?" I ask in a low whisper

Dylan looks out the door, and nods.

We all walk out, and catch our breaths.

"There you are!" The guard yells

We start running until we find huge doors leading to the cafeteria. We run into the kitchen part and hide behind things. I hid behind a huge pot bigger than me. The guard hasn't noticed that we ran in here and walks the other way. He finally goes out of the cafeteria, and we get out of hiding.

"Remind me never to do this again." Dylan says

"Yeah, I'm with you on that." Josh replies.

Jamie goes to check that the guard isn't there and gives us the signal. We one by one walk out of there as quiet as mice. Once we find our starting point, they jump back out the window that they came.

"Bye guys." I say

Cameron stays last.

"Thanks for coming." I say

"No problem sweetheart." He replies

"I'll see you tomorrow." I say


He's about to walk out, and I walk back to my room. I suddenly hear him stop in his tracks, and turn around. He grabs my hand, making me turn around, and kisses me before I can do anything. He pulls away and jumps back out. I'm shocked, Cameron Schmitt just kissed me, On the lips! I walk back to my room in a complete trance, that was the best kiss I've ever had. I open my door and shut it tight.

I jump back in the bed and think about what just happened. I finally fall asleep.

*earlier that day*

I suddenly wake up to hear a conversation piece between the guard from last night and a few of the doctors.

"And just ran away, I couldn't catch up to them." He says

I grin to myself as I remember the exciting, and memorable night that we all shared together.

Hey peeps, hoped you liked this chapter. So Cameron kissed Riley!!! Any thoughts???

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🎶say something I'm giving up on you🎶

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