June 20th

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"Haley all I'm saying is we have one day left what difference is it going to make" Nathan whined
"Nathan I'm not risking it we have to follow what the doctor says besides we have a doctor appointment tomorrow you can wait." Haley chucked
Nathan had never wanted Haley as much as he did right now. She had a new glow to her complexion and her smile was enough to make him melt.
The next day...
"Nathan please don't ask any embarrassing questions while we are in there with the doctor" Haley asked of her husband
"Hales. I promise."
"Haley James Scott" the doctor called
He gestured his hand for her to follow through the door. Nathan Trailed behind. Once they got into the room Nathan sat next to Haley in a stool while she layed on the examination table.
"Here is your gown I will be back in a couple minuets to begin our examination" she said before leaving the room
Haley began to undress and Nathan watched biting his lip and trying to control himself, but finding it harder with every second. Once Haley was done she layed back down and the doctor came in shortly after.
"All right Haley, I'm gonna ask  you to remove your underwear" the doctor said
Nathan couldn't look he knew that if he saw her do this he'd have to jump on top of her right there and have her.
"Ok" Haley said once she was done
A couple minuets later the doctor was done examining her and she threw away her gloves.
"Everything looks good you recovered very fast, ok so now we need to talk about your options for birth control"
"Oh I'm already on the pill" Haley interrupted
"Well okay then I guess there is nothing left for me to do besides give you the green light to go ahead and return to your normal sex life" she explained
Nathan couldn't hold his smile back as he looked at Haley
Once Haley had gotten dressed he and Nathan began to leave Haley walked ahead of Nathan because she was in a rush to get back to Jamie. Nathan looked at he hips sway and her curves glide. He walked a little but faster to catch up to her and put his hang around her waist and graze her ass. Once they got In the car they started to drive away and continued for a while until Nathan placed his hand in her thigh and continued to drive.
"Ok" Nathan said pulling over to a road in the middle of no where
"What happened is everything ok?!" Haley asked getting up
"No" Nathan said leaning over to place the most passionate and aggressive kiss on Haley. He than took his shirt off and smiled at her, waiting for her approval. Haley nodded and took her shirt off as well and slid into the back seat with a horny Nathan following her every move.
"God I've missed you." Nathan moaned

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