July 24th

938 11 3

Nathan was excited to be leaving and train for basketball but was also devastated to leave Haley and Jamie.

"So you have everything packed?" Haley said walking into the bedroom while he was just finishing packing


"You have your cell phone?"




"Tooth brush"



"Awe Haley... come here"

She ran into his arms as he embraced her and kissed the top of her head

"Im just going to miss you so much" she said tearing up

Nathan was fighting the urge to cry too

"Brooke's here and so is my mom and Karen if you ever need anything they'll help you"

"I know they are but you won't be and let's face it your better" she whimpered

"Hey hey hey ... don't cry please don't cry" Nathan begged

He reached down to her and kissed her passionately he tried to pull out of the kiss but Haley wasn't having it, she wouldn't let go. She threw him into the bed on his suitcase. And then pounced on top of him

"Kiss me" she said ripping of his shirt

"I'm not going to argue with that" he smiled


Haley and Jamie were driving Nathan to the airport to drop him off so he could go to training camp. She was trying to contain herself and be strong in front of Nathan but it was hard. When they arrived at the airport they walked him all the way to his gate and waited with him until boarding

"Flight 12 to Maryland your plane is now boarding"

"Ok that's me"

"Alright" Haley said standing up

"I'll miss you" he said will the saddest smile Haley had ever seen

Tears rolled down Haley's face and Nathan wiped them away and kissed her. Then he kissed Jamie in the cheek then handed him to Haley

"I love you" he said kissing her once more

"I love you too"

Nathan turned away and walked threw the gate and once he knew Haley couldn't see him he let himself shed one tear before wiping it away

Once Haley got home she slammed the door
To the apartment and set Jamie on the couch. She immediately sobbed. After a couple
Minuets she looked up and saw that Jamie was staring at her

"I'm ok Jamie , I'm just really going to miss your dad"

Naley & The Four Years MissedWhere stories live. Discover now