August 30th

687 10 3

" you baby...!" haley sung loudly in their apartment while cleaning the table 

the door swung open and Nathan emerged, but haley did not notice because the music was turned up so loudly, Nathan laughed as he watched her sing perfectly to the song and sway her hips as she continued to clean. Nathan crept up being her and wrapped his arms around her waist, she jumped up in fear and spun around.

"Nathan!" she squealed as she playfully punched him in the shoulder 

suddenly the song changed

"where did all the people go, they got scared as the lights went low" 

"Nathan it is our wedding song" she said smiling from ear to ear 

Nathan grabbed haley's waist with one hand and her hand in the other as they both began to sway to the music.

"Are you coming to the game tomorrow?" Nathan asked 

"Of course." 

Haley eyes were glistening and her heart was racing, she could not believe it was possible to be this in love. even though he was all sweaty from practice she was able to ignore all that and just be with him in that moment. The song ended and Nathan pulled haley in closer so that she was laying her head on his chest 

"Nathan as much as i love this, you smell terrible." she joked pulling away 

"and I'm covered in your sweat" she said shaking her arms in disgust

"oh yeah?" he challenged 


he swooped down and picked up haley petite body so easily that he was able to toss her over his shoulder

"Nathan what are you doing?!" she giggled 

"the only way to solve this problem is to clean off both of us." he said setting he down and turning the shower on 

"we always have had a thing for water." she smirked 

"yes... now while we are waiting for that to warm up lets warm up out here." 

He reached down at the hem of haley's shirt and yanked it off, then he promptly took his shirt off as well.

"I really love that new work out plan whitey has been giving you, its really showing." she said tracing his abs with her hand

He leaned down almost touching her lips and stayed there as he reached down and pulled her shorts down to her ankles with her help. He then slid hi basketball shorts off and haley couldn't wait any longer she shoved him into the shower and giggled as she did.

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