September 20th

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"Ok so two weeks?" Nathan asked

"Nathan." Haley said slapping his shoulder as they lay sideways in their bed looking intensely at one another. It had been about three days since Haley went to the doctor to confirm that she was pregnant. They always knew that they'd want more kids but their timing was never impeccable.

"You know what the doctor said three weeks till I'm out of my first semester, than we can tell people." She continued

Nathan had never been more excited. He had finally done something right, he had created another baby with Haley but this time they were more mature, even though it had been less than a year since Jamie was born Nathan knew that together as a couple they had changed tremendously.

"Haley." He said sternly

"I can't wait that long."

"Well your going to have to." Haley bit back starting to get up from the bed

Nathan watched her get up and kept his eyes locked on her body, sure she was pregnant but it was nearly impossible to tell. She still had curves in all the right places and her beauty was striking to him. He has been in love with Haley for three years now and everyday she just got more beautiful. He still wondered how he, Nathan Scott the boy who acted selfishly and neurotically all through out his life had ended up with Haley James, an angel.

"God your beautiful." He let out in a scoff, shaking his head

"Stop it." She gushed

Nathan crawled over to her, over the bed in his black basketball shorts and shirtless body. He then stepped off the bed and wrapped his body around her from behind.

"We are perfect, you are perfect, our life is perfect."

"I know Nathan." She said shyly looking away from his reflection in the mirror

"And I... "

Jamie began to wail in the other room

"And I will go get our baby." Nathan jokingly finished her sentence

"Hey you know soon there will be two of those." She yelled at him still looking at her self in the mirror

She guided her hands to her stomach and pulled her shirt up just enough to expose the bottom of her stomach and the. Shifted her body sideways.

"I got this." She said confidently before looking away from her own reflection once more

Naley & The Four Years MissedWhere stories live. Discover now