August 18th

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Jamie continued to cry for hours and hours Haley tried everything from milking him to changing his diaper. She couldn't listen to him anymore and she didn't know what to do, she was all alone there was no one to console in. Another hour passed and Jamie was still screaming on the top of his lungs she raised her hand to his forehead it was so hot that her hand instantly felt the pulsating fire coming from his forehead. Haley decided to take him to the hospital to directly find out what was wrong. Jamie continued to cry for the whole car ride, and in the waiting room.

Haley dialed a number into her phone


Haley began to sob "Nathan... this is Haley I don't know what's wrong..." she said taking a break to sob "Jamie had been crying for hours.. and they don't know what's wrong...I need you ... I need your voice "

Twenty minutes later her phone rang

"Haley?!" He slightly yelled in a worried voice

"Nathan." He said in a sign of relief

"Haley there's no available flights I've tried everything I even... "he said ranting

"Nathan no, no you need to stay there, it's only one more week"

"Haley you need me, Jamie needs me"

"Nathan he's fine the doctors gave him a shot of penicillin and they said he should be okay within an hour I can take him home" she said calming him down

"I'm coming home in three days"

"Nathan no you have eight days left."

"Haley basketball is always going to be second to my family, and right now all I want is to come home to my beautiful wife and son and just spend a day in bed watching movies, please let me have that." He begged

"Okay but only if you tell me more about this beautiful wife." She joked

"Oh gosh where do I start." He said playing along

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